1 Samson at Gaza escapeth, and carieth away the gates of the city.
4 Delilah corrupted by the Philistines, entiseth Samson.
6 Thrise she is deceiued.
15 At last shee ouercommeth him.
21 The Philistines take him, and put out his eyes.
22 His strength renewing, hee pulleth downe the house vpon th... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Samson at Gaza escapeth, and carieth away the gates of the city.
4 Delilah corrupted by the Philistines, entiseth Samson.
6 Thrise she is deceiued.
15 At last shee ouercommeth him.
21 The Philistines take him, and put out his eyes.
22 His strength renewing, hee pulleth downe the house vpon th... [ Continue Reading ]