1 Timothy 18:1-4

3 Translators have experienced much difficulty with this opening sentence, because it seemed to lack the principal verb. The A V adds so do, the Revisers so do I now. It is very seldom that any translator goes so far as to add a complete sentence to the Word of God. To be sure, the question as to who remained in Ephesus and who went to Macedonia does not seem to play any important part in the understanding of the epistle, so should not be the cause of any great spiritual loss, whichever way we may translate. Instead of "As I exhorted thee to tarry... [when I was] going," we may translate, "... remain with [them]... [when] going." Colloquially we would say "stop over," or "drop in at," or "visit [with them when] going." Remain and going seem to be incompatible at first glance. Actually there is no conflict between them (cf Mat_15:32; Mar_8:2; Act_18:18), prosmeinai does not denote to remain permanently.

4 The interminable genealogies and teaching of the law point directly to the Circumcision. The unbelieving Jews were not only the bitterest enemies Paul encountered, as the record in Acts reveals, but those who joined the believers were often unable to break away from their inborn traditions. It was just at this time that Paul announced the new creation, in which physical relationships are ignored (2Co_5:16). The genealogies of Judaism have their place, but not in his evangel.

8 The law, too, had its place and mission. It was never given to the nations (Rom_2:14). By it is the recognition of sin (Rom_3:20). It was added, long after the promise was given, to involve Israel in transgression, until the Seed came to Whom the promises were made (Gal_3:19). He redeems them from it and gives them the place of sons (Gal_4:5). Christ is the law's consummation to everyone who believes (Rom_10:4). Against the believer there is no law (Gal_5:23). We are not under law, but under grace (Rom_6:14).

11 "Happy" seems to be the only word we have which enables us to distinguish between this term and "blessed".

16 Paul's case is a pattern of God's present ways in grace. Instead of reforming and repenting and seeking to gain God's favor, he was madly endeavoring to do all in his power against Christ and His people (Act_9:1-2). He was the foremost sinner of his day, and deserved the direst doom. Instead, he receives the greatest grace. Once outside the land of Israel, where God's grace was unrestrained by the law and His dealings with the covenant people, God calls him and transforms him into His most brilliant exponent of grace. Corresponding to the gracious character of his call, he is assigned to the dispensation of God's grace among the nations, a ministry distinct and different from that of any of the twelve apostles. They had mercy for the nations as a result of Israel's blessing: he dispensed grace in spite of, and resulting from, Israel's failure.

17 The title "King of the eons" does not limit God to the eons in time, even as "the Lord of the earth" does not limit Him in space. It describes His sovereignty during the eons, for only in them is kingly government known (1Co_15:24).

1 At the crisis in the apostle's career when this epistle was written, he first made known the secret of the evangel, the conciliation (Rom_5:11). The scope of blessing has been gradually widening. The evangel of the kingdom, linked with the name of David, included only

Israelites and proselytes. The evangel of God, associated with the name of Abraham, brought blessing to those among the nations who believed. The secret of the evangel (Rom_16:25) set forth in the fifth of Romans, called the conciliation, refers us to Adam, and reaches the whole race, though it brings reconciliation only to those who receive it. Hence our sympathies and prayers should go out for all mankind.

4 God's will for all mankind will not be fulfilled until the consummation (1Co_15:24). Only those who believe receive eonian salvation now. Those who acknowledge that God is greater than man, and that His will is more powerful than man's will, believe and exult in the final salvation of all mankind.

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