16 Christ Jesus is the only One Who has been vivified. No one else has life beyond the reach of death. Immortality is His exclusive possession. The glory of deathlessness shines forth in Him with an intensity beyond the possibility of human perception. The apostle himself came as near to this as anyone, but the brilliance blinded him. He saw Him (1Co_9:1), but He appeared as a Light, which his eyes could not bear. At His advent, they shall be like Him, since they shall view Him as He is (1Jn_3:2).

17 Those who are rich, in contrast to those already considered, who are fond of money with the intention of becoming wealthy, are exhorted not to place their dependence on their possessions, which may desert them at any moment, but to rely on God, Who alone can make their enjoyment possible. Their most profitable course lies in the employment of their wealth for the benefit of others. This brings them present happiness (for it is blessed to give), and, at the same time deposits their wealth in the divine treasury where it will appear to their account in that day. In this way they will assure for themselves real life, both now and for the eons.

20 All knowledge or "science" which is not in line with God's revelation has been found false in the past and will be so in the future. There is no conflict between true science and the Scriptures.

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Old Testament