Darkness is the day, for evildoers. The Lord worked in the day. Satan fears the light. Even in the night they need a squad of soldiers and armed deputies to take a gentle, unarmed Man and His timid disciples. His simple words cast them to the earth. He calmly orders them to leave His disciples alone. It would seem that He was in authority, rather than they.

4 We must look behind the scenes to appreciate the tremendous issues involved in this betrayal. The cohorts of darkness were in command of Satan. The one who had deluded Eve in the garden of Eden was hurting the heel of the woman's Seed. He had managed to enlist mankind against Him. Christ Himself had called the Jews children of their father, the Adversary. Satan had actually obsessed Judas, and in him was present as chief actor and spectator. The Prince of light and the Prince of darkness meet in the treacherous kiss of Jud_1:10-14 Compare Mat_26:51-51; Mar_14:47-53; Luk_22:49-54.

10 Impulsive Peter has not yet learned the lesson of the cross, and so he does the very worst possible thing. The difficulty with the Lord's enemies was that they had no ears that heard. What use is it to strike off the very thing they lacked? But the Lord has a heart for His enemies even in this time of His sorest distress. Elsewhere we read that He healed the hurt of the one who came to take His life. What a marvelous hint of the blessings to which His sorrows would give birth!

11 The Lord was aware of His enemies' thoughts. He perceived the opposition of Satan, yet He saw behind it all the will of His Father. The cup He was to drain was a bitter one. He had no wish to drink it. He knew what men would do, but did not blame them for it. He prayed for their forgiveness. He knew the craft of Satan, but He also knew that behind all these was, not only the iron will of a sovereign God, but the loving affection of a Father. He received it all from His hands. He not only bends beneath the stroke, but He leaves it all to the Father's love. He could trust, though He slay Him. His was the faith that never failed.

15-21 Compare Mat_26:58-69; Mar_14:54-65; Luk_22:54-71.

11 We can imagine what a tumult was in the heart of the impetuous, warmhearted, selfconfident Peter. He would never disown His Lord! He would suffer anything for His sake! He would not believe the Lord's plain prediction of his faithlessness. He was ready to face torture and death-some great thing which would bring him applause -but he was not ready for a simple question from a mere maid. Perhaps he prided himself on following the Lord into the house, but his pride must have suffered severely as he pondered his craven conduct. He was having a practical experience of what the apostle records concerning those who seek to please God in the flesh-"What I am hating, this am I doing" (Rom_7:15). How many since have found that they, too, were like Peter, strong to will, but unable to carry out the desires of their heart. And the best part of such an experience is that it destroys confidence in the flesh and drives us to the ground of grace, where we receive power and ability to carry out the mind of the spirit.

18 Houses in the cities of Palestine are heated by means of a charcoal brazier. It is a copper stand about two feet high, with a chafing dish on top. This pan is filled with ashes and on this the charcoal is placed. It is taken outside and lighted and kindled by the breeze or a fan. Then it is brought into the house.

19 Contrast Peter's craven course with the firm fortitude of his Master. The chief priest, the symbol of holiness and truth, masks his diabolical design by a hypocritical inquiry into the Lord's teachings. But the Lord reads his heart and tears off his mask. There was not the slightest weakness or compromise. It never occurred to Him to deny aught of His teaching or to evade the sufferings which threw their gloomy shadows across His path.

24 Annas was made chief priest by Cyrenius, but was deposed seven years later. After three others had held the office, his son-in-law, Caiaphas, became chief priest, and he always seems to be reckoned as holding the office with him. Luke tells us that both were chief priests (Luk_3:2). This alone shows how little regard they had for God's law, which prescribed a single succession absolutely independent of human interference. They were false, chosen by ungodly alien enemies, He was the true Priest about to offer up the true Lamb. They were supposed to put away the sin of the people. Instead, they are the instigarors of the sin of sins.

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Old Testament