29-31 Compare Mar_13:24-26; Luk_21:26-27.

29 See Rev_6:12-17; Isa_13:10; Joe_2:30-31; Joe_3:15; Amo_5:20.

29 Israel goes through the great affliction, and watches for the Son of Mankind, Who will stand on the mount of Olives, from which He ascended. We have a prior expectation (Eph_1:12) and wait (not watch) for the Son of God out of the heavens (1Th_1:10), not to come down to earth, but to meet us in the air (1Th_4:17), according to a secret, not revealed during the ministry of our Lord or His twelve apostles, which tells of the change of our bodies to suit a celestial destiny (1Co_15:52-54), when these bodies of humiliation will be transfigured to conform them to His glorious body (Php_3:21). In Israel, after His descent to earth, He sends His messengers to gather His saints about Him. Both events will take place with incredible speed. The lightning flash of judgment describes His advent to earth. The upward movement of the eyelid measures the time taken for our transfiguring and gathering together to Him in the air.

30 See Dan_7:13-14; Zec_12:4-14; Rev_1:7.

31 Compare Mar_13:27. See Isa_27:13.

32-35 Compare Mar_13:28-30; Luk_21:28-33.

32 We do not watch for signs, for, except the apostasy, which is already at full tide, none are given. We look for Him. Israel is given indications of His approach. Among His last acts was the withering of the fig tree, indicating the national decadence of the Jews. Among the first signs to be looked for is the national resurgence of unbelieving Israel as foretold by (Isa_66:8). “Who has seen things as these? Will the land travail in one day? Should a nation be born at one time?” In our day we see leaves which sprout from the tender stem of Jewish national aspirations. Summer is near for that nation. The Lord's return to earth cannot be long delayed. But, as He must come for us some time before His descent to the mount of Olives, His coming for the members of His body is far more imminent than His later descent to earth for His Bride, the redeemed of Israel.

34 His coming to Israel should have taken place in that generation.

35 See Psa_102:26-27; Isa_51:6; Rev_20:11.

36-39 Compare Mar_13:32; Luk_17:26-30.

36 See Act_1:7; Act_1:1 Th_5:2.

36 The probable time of the Lord's advent to Israel can only be known by the signs, but the exact time will never be known till it arrives. A day or an hour would have sufficed for many to enter the ark in Noah's day. But no date was given.

37 See Gen_6:3-5; Gen_7:1-10

40-41 Compare Luk_17:34-36.

41 When His messengers gather His elect (31) not all will be taken along to stand before the Son of Mankind. Some will be left.

42 See Mat_25:13.

43 For them there is not the joyous anticipation of being ever with the Lord (1Th_4:17), but a certain dread that, should they not be watching, instead of His coming as a Saviour, He may come as a thief. For us He does not come as a thief (1Th_5:4). Our conduct does not count in His coming for us. Whether we watch or are drowsy we shall live together with Him. The difference between the two events is pictured for us in Peter's recall of Dorcas from death (Act_9:36-41), and Paul's restoration of Eutychus to life (Act_20:9-10). Dorcas was deserving, but Eutychus (like many of His saints today) had nothing to commend him, but that he went to sleep while Paul preached. So it will be when we hear His shout. We may be drowsy or dead, yet grace demands that we live together with Him. We will be dealt with on the ground of His death, not of our deserts.

43-51 Compare Luk_12:39-46. See 2Pe_3:10; Rev_3:3, Rev_16:15.

45 The conduct of God's slaves is most vitally affected by their attitude toward the return of Christ. If it is an imminent expectation, their course will correspond. They will act as those who are about to give account. If it is far off, the restraining power of His expected presence will be wanting.

50 We, also, must appear in front of the dais of Christ that each should be requited for that which he puts into practise through the body (2Co_5:10), but, though fire will be testing the kind of work we have done, we shall all be saved (1Co_3:15). In Israel righteousness rather than grace will reign, so that they are subject to condemnation.

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