7  And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

 8  And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Michael is commander of the angels that did not rebel against God. In Daniel we are told that Michael is also the angel that watches over Israel. In these last days there is a war in heaven and Michael and his angels fight against Satan and his angels. Satan and his angels are cast out of the heaven.

Some think Satan was long ago cast out of heaven but there are several passages in scriptures that indicate that Satan still has access to God and accuses us before the Father continually. That is why Jesus is our advocate before the Father until the time when Satan no longer has this access.

The casting out of Satan, the desecration of the temple and the killing of the two prophets will all happen very quickly probably on the same day. That is why Jesus warns Israel to not get anything out of the house but to get out of town as fast as they can. By reading only the prior verses you might think that Satan is cast out after the woman flees but verse Revelation 12:13 clarifies this by saying  after the Devil sees he is cast out He persecutes the woman (Israel). One thing should be clear; since Satan is cast out here he could not have been cast out at the fifth trumpet when the star fell from heaven with the key to open the bottomless pit. Now that Satan is cast out, he has 3 ½ years to work through his Beast and his False Prophet. After that period, Jesus will deal with the Beast and then set up his own kingdom on earth.

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