11  And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

The white throne is the final judgment seat of God. While the judgment is ongoing, the passage would seem to indicate that the earth and heaven flee away. The earth might not be visible in this neutron bomb like radiance coming from the face of God. This may be something like a supernova but it will originate from the face of God and the light will expose all darkness in the entire universe. Other passages indicate the earth will exist forever, so I do not think the earth actually is destroyed. However, it may be moved to a more favorable location or orbit around the sun.

The statement that no place was found for them can also be explained. For example, if the sun itself had a nova there could be such an expansion of the sun and its brilliance that one observing would not see the earth orbiting around the sun. However, novas do not last long. After the sun settled down the observer would see a new heaven and a new earth renewed by fire.

This event may be greater than a nova; it may be the face of God. I assume nothing natural will be visible while the brilliance of God’s face shines and His judgment takes place with all creation being examined in His own divine light. All that can stand in the light will stand in a purified renewed creation that will be as it was before the fall of angels and man. The atmosphere and the earth at this time will be renewed by fire (2 Peter 3:10). John tells about the new heaven and earth renewed by this fire in the next chapter.

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Old Testament

New Testament