3. And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

After the thousand-year reign of Jesus on earth, Satan will be allowed to come up out of the bottomless pit. He once again will deceive the nations. We might wonder why? The answer is to test all the billions who were born during the millennium. In each of the prior dispensations, man was tested and those living either were saved “by faith” or they died in unbelief.  In all dispensations of time, man must be saved “by faith” in the Savior God alone. In this last dispensation, man will be living under ideal conditions on earth and even death will be conquered but when Satan is released, much of mankind will be deceived in much the same conditions as when Adam and Eve were deceived. This last deception will separate those that are living “by faith” from those living in disbelief.

The last enemy to be defeated by Jesus will be death. My conjecture is that when man sees he will no longer physically die, he will be wide open to the same deception that Adam and Eve fell for in the garden. Satan will come out of the bottomless pit and like he did with our parents before us, he will deceive the nations by saying “you shall not die you have become like God knowing good and evil”.

In other words, since we know good and evil everyone should be able to do what is right in his own eyes.  Even though Adam and Eve were created immortal beings, they did die and so will those that take part in this final rebellion. Mankind’s first rebellion led to death of the body. Mankind’s last rebellion will result in death of his soul when man by his disobedience, unbelief and lack of trust in the Creator, is separated from the Creator for eternity.

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Old Testament

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