The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide
1 Corinthians 16:24
My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. May the love that I bear you flow back to me and towards each other for Christ's sake. Amen.
My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. May the love that I bear you flow back to me and towards each other for Christ's sake. Amen.
1 CORINTHIANS 16:24 VIhsou/) {B} After VIhsou/ (B 0121a 0243 33 630 1739* 1881 itg, r syrp copsa Ambrosiaster Euthalius) the liturgical avmh,n is added in most witnesses (a A C D K P...
Verse 1 Corinthians 16:24. _MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL IN CHRIST JESUS._] It appears exceedingly strange that the apostle should say, _My love_ be _with you_; as he said, _The grace of our Lord Jesus Ch...
IN CHRIST JESUS - Through Christ Jesus; or in connection with your love to him; that is, as Christians. This is an expression of tender regard to them as Christian brethren; of his love for the church...
2. EXHORTATIONS AND CONCLUSION. CHAPTER 16 _ 1. Concerning Collections. (1 Corinthians 16:1)_ 2. Ministry. (1 Corinthians 16:5) 3. Greetings. (1 Corinthians 16:19
1 CORINTHIANS 16. VARIOUS BUSINESS AND PERSONAL MATTERS. SALUTATION. First (1 Corinthians 16:1) he gives instructions as to the collection for the poor Christians at Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8 f.*, Ro...
PRACTICAL PLANS (1 Corinthians 16:1-12)...
LOVE. Same as "charity", 1 Corinthians 16:14. CHRIST JESUS. App-98....
_My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen_ See note on ch. 1 Corinthians 4:17. This affectionate commendation of the Corinthians to the favour of Christ, coupled with the assurance of his own unc...
24. Rec. adds ἀμήν at end with אACDE Vulg. Peshito. Text BF....
_SPECIAL GREETINGS WERE SENT -- 1 CORINTHIANS 16:19-24:_ Aquila and Priscilla, together with the church that meets in their house sent greetings to Corinth in the name of the Lord. Aquila and Priscill...
MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL, &C.— When we consider what an alienation of affection some of these Corinthians had expressed with respect to our Apostle, this declaration of tender regard to them _all,_ wit...
APPLEBURY'S COMMENTS _Paul's Closing Words_ (19-24) _Text_ 1 Corinthians 16:19-24. The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Prisca salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their h...
My love ... After having administered severe rebukes, he closes with "love:" his very rebukes were prompted by love, and therefore are in harmony with the profession here: love in Christ Jesus embrace...
8 Paul's delay in going to Corinth is fully explained in the second epistle. He wished to give them time for repentance. Besides, he was meeting with much success, for even his enemies acknowledged th...
THE COLLECTION. PERSONAL MESSAGES AND CONCLUSION The Apostle in this chapter instructs the Corinthians to make a collection for the poor Christians in Judæa, intimates his intention of visiting them a...
MY LOVE _be_ WITH YOU ALL] though I have had to reprove severely, and though some prefer other leaders. IN CHRIST JESUS] who inspires all Christian love. For the subscription see Intro.: 1 Corinthian...
SERVANTS OF CHRIST 1 CORINTHIANS _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 16 PLANS ABOUT THE MONEY FOR JERUSALEM 16:1-4 V1 Now I will write about the money for God’s people. Do what I told the churches in Galatia...
MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL. — Like a river which, after rushing, foaming over many a rock and through many a gorge, at last emerges into a broad calm amid sunlit meadows, so this Epistle, after Chapter s...
CHAPTER 25 THE POOR IN closing his letter to the Corinthians, Paul, as usual, explains his own movements, and adds a number of miscellaneous directions and salutations. These for the most part relate...
EXHORTATIONS AND SALUTATIONS 1 Corinthians 16:13 The Apostle was careful to cultivate friendship, one of the priceless gifts of God; and he was very generous not only in his references to his friends...
The last chapter of the epistle is local and personal. In the first sentences important principles are revealed as to the true method of Christian giving. It is to be regular and systematic rather tha...
Closing Instructions and Personal Remarks Christians must be constantly on guard against Satan. Paul encouraged them to be firm in matters of faith and not let false teachers shake their beliefs as th...
Happy, thrice happy the pastor, whose life, labours, zeal, and the testimony of his own conscience, embolden him to say with St. Paul, that he loves the flock of Jesus Christ, that he only loves them...
SALUTATIONS. 1 CORINTHIANS 16:19-24. First, those of the Churches of Asia; then the special salutations of Aquila, and of the portion of the Church which assembles under his roof; thereafter those of...
“The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you! 24. My love is with you all in Christ Jesus.” Paul appeals to that invisible power of grace which alone can render effectual the prayers contained in the ἀσπα...
(19) The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. (20) All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with a holy kiss....
REFLECTIONS READER! let us not take leave of this beautiful, and blessed Epistle of the Apostle, without first praising the Lord the Holy Ghost for so precious a portion of inspired truths, and thank...
As usual, the introductory words (1 Corinthians 1:1-3) of the epistle give us no little intimation of that which is to follow. The apostle speaks of himself as such "called [to be] an apostle of Jesus...
The apostle, in his letter, had treated of the disorder that reigned among these believers, and his spirit was to a certain degree relieved by fulfilling this duty towards them; for, after all, they w...
MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL,.... Meaning either that he desired that he might be loved by them, as they were by him, and might always have a place in their hearts and affections, as they had in his; or th...
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ _be_ with you. 24 My love _be_ with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen. The first epistle to the Corinthians was written from Philippi by Stephanas and Fortunatus and Ac...
_The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ_ All the blessed tokens and effects of his favour; _be with you_ And rest upon you for time and eternity! _My love_ My most sincere, tender, and affectionate regard...
When called to administer reproof, or to proclaim the fearful doom of the incorrigibly wicked, while we should endeavor to do it with fidelity, we should also do it with affection, and in all suitable...
MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL IN CHRIST JESUS. AMEN. In closing his letter, Paul sends greetings, first of all, from the congregations in Asia, the Roman province on the Aegean Sea. Although he had not pers...
Final greetings:...
This last chapter forms a fourth division of the book of I Corinthians, with its simple, practical instructions. The unity of the body of Christ is to be expressed in genuine practical care for the ne...
MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL IN CHRIST JESUS. AMEN. Despite all their problems, and all the heartache that they have caused Paul, Paul does still love them. The question to be answered is, after reading t...
19-24 Christianity by no means destroys civility. Religion should promote a courteous and obliging temper towards all. Those give a false idea of religion, and reproach it, who would take encourageme...
As I love you, so I desire to be again beloved of you in Christ sincerely. Or, I love you all in Christ, and for Christ's sake; or, I wish that my love may abide in and with you. THE FIRST (EPISTLE) T...
My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen. [The apostle closes with this thought, lest any should misconstrue his letter. Though it contained severe rebukes, it was dictated by love, and not by ha...
1 Corinthians 16:24 My G3450 love G26 with G3326 you G5216 all G3956 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424
‘The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.' He finishes with his conventional greeting, praying that the unmerited favour of the Lord Jesus Christ...
FINAL WORDS (16:13-24). Paul comes to the end of his letter with an exhortation. It has similarities to that in 1 Corinthians 15:58. This is then followed by a further exhortation to take note of thei...
Ver. 23. THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOU. Ver. 24. MY LOVE BE WITH YOU ALL IN CHRIST JESUS. AMEN. Some critics take this indicatively, “My love _is_ with you all.” But this seems flat....
1 Corinthians 16:21 Anathema and Grace. I. This passage shows the terror of the fate of the unloving. II. The present grace of the coming Lord. III. The tenderness caught from the Master Himself,...
CONTENTS: Closing instructions and greetings of Paul. CHARACTERS: Christ, Paul, Timothy, Apollos, Aquila, Priscilla, Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus. CONCLUSION: The Christian should lay by money in...
1 Corinthians 16:1. _The collection for the saints,_ chiefly for the poor ministers of the word. This was to be done once a week, and it is the ancient and best way for poor people to support the gosp...
THE GRACE. His final greeting. Compare 2 Corinthians 13:13. He assures them of his love for them (since he has scolded them strongly)....
_My love be with you all._ PAUL’S LOVE TO THE CORINTHIANS WAS I. Sincere. Witness the Epistle. 1. Its faithful dealing. 2. Wise counsels. 3. Earnest admonitions. 4. Sublime lessons. 5. Patient...
1 CORINTHIANS—NOTE ON 1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 Closing Admonitions and Greetings. Paul tells the Corinthians to persevere, love, and submit to good leaders. He then gives greetings from Christians in Asia....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ 1 Corinthians 16:15.—Postscript-like personal matters _begin here_. ACHAIA.—This corrects the wrong reading in Romans 16:5. STEPHANAS’ HOUSEHOLD.—See 1 Corinthians 1:16.
EXPOSITION 1 CORINTHIANS 16:1 _Directions and arrangements._ 1 CORINTHIANS 16:1 NOW CONCERNING THE COLLECTION FOR THE SAINTS. "The saints" are here the poor Christians at Jerusalem ...
And so he writing to them now about taking up a collection for the saints [that are in Jerusalem], as he asked also the churches in the area of Galatia. Now he said on the first day of the week (1 Cor...
1 Corinthians 14:16; 1 Corinthians 16:14; 1 Corinthians 4:14; 1 Corinthians 4:15;...
THE POSTLUDE 1 Corinthians 16:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Final words are always listened to eagerly among friends. That is the reason we are calling the study for today, a postlude, because they are the...