_This is the third time I am coming to you._ Or the third that I have
purposed to come; and when I come it will be to punish those who are
convicted, on the testimony of two or three witnesses, of having
sinned, and of not having done penance.
_In the mouth of two or three witnesses._ Every accusati... [ Continue Reading ]
i. There were some at Corinth who had abandoned themselves to
impurity, others who were proud and contentious (xi. 20, 21), others
given to other sins, and disposed to regard S. Paul's admonitions
cheaply. He threatens such in this chapter, that he may provoke th... [ Continue Reading ]
_But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates._ Not
rejected by Christ, and deprived of His grace, and so mean and
inglorious. You see indeed the opposite: you see Christ working
powerfully in me, converting the Gentiles, punishing the rebellious,
approving all that I do, cooperating wi... [ Continue Reading ]
_Be perfect._ The Greek word used here denotes to mend a torn garment.
S. Paul is alluding to the vices, evil habits, and especially the
lukewarmness of the Corinthians. He says in effect: Make yourselves
whole again, correct your old faults, curb the license of your lives,
re-knit your severed frie... [ Continue Reading ]
_Greet one another with an holy kiss._ What was this kiss? Xenophon
(Cyropœdia, lib. i.) and Herodotus (Clio) testify that it was a
heathen custom to salute one another with a kiss at meeting, in token
of friendship. Suetonius says that Tiberius tried in vain to put an
end to the practice. The Jews... [ Continue Reading ]