_Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault_, &c. The Apostle enjoins
here the brotherly correction of any fault, but with a special
reference to sins committed through the eyes, as Jerome correctly
observes the sin of Judaism, against which the whole Epistle is
directed, being of that character. He... [ Continue Reading ]
i. He exhorts the Galatians to good works, especially works of mercy
towards Christians, particularly doctors and catechists. He bids them
not to seek for the praise of men, but to study to sow seeds of good
works, from which they may reap eternal life.
II. He op... [ Continue Reading ]
_For if a man think himself to be something_., &c. If a man is proud
of his superior spirituality, and despises his brother, and treats him
harshly for sinning especially for Judaising he is nothing, and so he
deceiveth himself. VER-4. _But let every man prove his own work._ Let
no one treat his nei... [ Continue Reading ]
_Let us do good unto all men._ While the time of sowing lasts, let us
do good to all not only to catechists, but to all even to the heathen,
though specially to our fellow-Christians, who are members of the same
household of God. S. Jerome relates a beautiful example of this in the
Apostle S. John:... [ Continue Reading ]
_Ye see how large a letter._ S. Chrysostom and Theophylact understand
this to mean: You see what misshapen letters I have formed, but your
love for me will excuse their imperfections. S. Augustine: Ye see how
freely and openly I have written, without any fear of the Judaisers.
S. Hilary, and others... [ Continue Reading ]
_As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh._ This is a
reference to the Judaisers, and their desire to commend themselves to
their kinsmen after the flesh. Or the meaning may be that they desired
to please by the observance of carnal circumcision. This latter is
supported by the use of the... [ Continue Reading ]
_For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law_. They
do not proselytise from zeal for the law, for they do not themselves
observe it, but to obtain the praise of the Jews for having converted
you to Judaism. Many other religious teachers unhappily pursue the
same policy, and strive f... [ Continue Reading ]
_In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything._ Whether you
be Jew or Gentile matters nothing; neither brings you nearer Christ.
What is of importance is a new creature, _i.e._, a soul regenerated in
baptism, and fortified by grace to walk in newness of life. Cf.
Revelation 3:14, where Chr... [ Continue Reading ]
_And as many as walk according to this rule._ The rule laid down by S.
Paul as to justification, and the relation of Judaism to Christianity.
_Peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God._ On Jews and
Gentiles alike who believe on Christ, according to Ambrose; but
comparing this verse w... [ Continue Reading ]
_From_ _henceforth let no man trouble me._ Let no Jew trouble me in
future by asking whose servant I am. He bears the marks of
circumcision, I the marks of Christ. Maldonatus takes the words as a
defence of his apostleship.
_For I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus._ The Greek word
used he... [ Continue Reading ]