The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide
John 8:36
If therefore the Son, &c. I alone can make you free, not Abraham or Moses, though most beloved servants of God. So S. Chrysostom and others.
If therefore the Son, &c. I alone can make you free, not Abraham or Moses, though most beloved servants of God. So S. Chrysostom and others.
IF THE SON ... - The Son of God - heir of all things - who is forever with God, and who has therefore the right and power to liberate men from their thraldom. SHALL MAKE YOU FREE - Shall deliver you...
CHAPTER 8 _ 1. The Woman Taken in Adultery. (John 8:1 .)_ 2. The Light of the World. (John 8:12 .) 3. His Testimony Concerning Himself and the Father. (John 8:13 .) 4. His Solemn Declarations. ...
CONTROVERSY WITH THE JEWS WHO BELIEVED. Many are convinced by this appeal. The following section summarises the teaching by which Jesus tried to bring the more favourably disposed of the Jewish party...
IF THE SON, THEREFORE, SHALL MAKE YOU FREE, YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED. Ye are not truly free, but servants of sin, children of the bondwoman who was cast out. If you would be free indeed you must have...
They answered him: "We are the descendants of Abraham and we have never been slaves to any man. How do you say: 'You will become free'?" Jesus answered them: "This is the truth I tell you--everyone wh...
WRETCHEDNESS AND PITY (John 7:53 ; John 8:1-11)...
YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED. ye will be really free. indeed. Greek. _ontos._ Not the same word as in John 8:31. Compare 1 Timothy 6:19, Revised Version....
_If the Son therefore_, &c. As before, any son is meant. -If the son emancipates you, your freedom is secured; for he is always on the spot to see that his emancipation is carried out." The statement...
John 8:12 TO JOHN 9:41. Christ the Source of Truth and Light In John 8:12-46 the word -true" occurs six times, the word -truth" seven times....
John 2:13 TO JOHN 11:57. The Work We here enter on the second portion of the first main division of the Gospel, thus subdivided: The Work (1) among _Jews_, (2) among _Samaritans_, (3) among _Galilean...
ἘᾺΝ ΟΥ̓͂Ν Ὁ ΥἹΌΣ. As before, any son is meant. ‘If the son emancipates you, your freedom is secured; for he is always on the spot to see that the emancipation is carried out.’ The statement is general...
13–59. A comparison of the discourses in Chapter s 5–8 shews how the conflict increases in intensity. In 5 and 6. Christ proceeds almost without interruption, and the Jews demur rather than contradict...
31. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed in him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; 32. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33. They ans...
_JESUS TALKED ABOUT THE FATHER AND HIS TRUTH -- JOHN 8:21-38:_ Jesus told the people that He was going away and that they could not go where He was going. The reason that it was impossible for them to...
ΈΛΕΥΘΕΡΏΣΗ _aor. conj. act., см._ John 8:32. ΌΝΤΩΣ (G3689) воистину, реально, ΈΣΕΣΘΕ _fut. ind. med. от_ ΕΙΜΊ (G1510) быть....
DISCOURSE: 1653 THE LIBERTY WHICH CHRIST GIVES HIS PEOPLE John 8:36. _If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed_. WE are exceedingly backward to acknowledge our true state and...
IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE,— "The only way to arrive at the relationship above mentioned,—to become _children_ of God, is to believe in and submit to the authority of his Son; in which c...
TRUTH BRINGS FREEDOM _Text 8:31-36_ 31 Jesus therefore said to those Jews that had believed him, If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; 32 and ye shall know the truth, and the tr...
EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN John 8:33-59 The passage for our present consideration continues and completes the portion studied in our last chapter. It brings before us Christ as the Light reveal...
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE, YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED. A very glorious statement, the sense of which may be thus expre...
12-29 Nothing would so swiftly and surely prove the undoing of an impostor as the claim that he always pleases God. Of all living, only One has been able to stand such a severe test. In the mouth of a...
THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES CONTINUED. CHRIST THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD John 7:53 to John 8:11. The woman taken in adultery. All modern critics agree that this section is no original part of the Fourth Gosp...
JOHN TELLS THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS GOSPEL OF JOHN _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 8 JESUS FORGIVES A WOMAN 8:1-11 V1 But Jesus walked to the place called the Hill of *Olives. V2 Early next morning, he...
IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE. — Now the thought of John 8:31 is repeated in special reference to the position they had claimed for themselves. There is need for the emancipation of which H...
CHAPTER 19 JESUS REJECTED IN JERUSALEM. “He said therefore again unto them, I go away, and ye shall seek Me, and shall die in your sin: whither I go, ye cannot come. The Jews therefore said, Will He...
_Discussion between Jesus and the Jews regarding their paternity_....
THE SOURCE OF TRUE LIBERTY John 8:31-38 Sin is not a necessary part of our being. _The servant abideth not in the house for ever._ Your child is an integral part of the household; he has become one w...
The end of chapter 7 is closely linked with this, in that after declaring "every man went to his own house," the writer said, "But Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives." Here we have the story of a re...
Many never was without free-will; but, having the grace of Christ, his will is truly made free from the servitude of sin. (St. Augustine, tract. 41. in Joan.)...
THE SON THE AUTHOR OF TRUE FREEDOM John 8:35-36. _“The slave does not abide in the house forever.”_ This great and beautiful world is one of God's houses, in which not a few of His children have been...
ADDITIONAL NOTES BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. Vv. 30-50. 1. Whether the words of Jesus contained in these verses were spoken on the same day as those which precede (Meyer) or on the following day (Godet)...
4. “I AND YOU”: 8:30-59. Jesus, in His second discourse (John 8:12-20) attributed to Himself two modes of teaching: _testimony_, by which He reveals His origin, His mission, His work, and _judgment_,...
“ _The slave does not abide in the house for ever; the son abides for ever._ 36. _If therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed._ ” If in John 8:34 the words τῆς ἁμαρτίας, _of sin_, are...
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: (32) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (33) They answered...
The point at which we have arrived gives me an opportunity of saying a little on the beginning of this chapter, and the end of the last; for it is well known that many men, and, I am sorry to add, not...
_CHRIST THE LIBERATOR_ ‘If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.’ John 8:36 (R.V). These kindly words breathe the very spirit of our Master. Christ here declares that His...
36._If then the Son shall make you free. _By these words he means that the right of _freedom _belongs to himself alone, and that all others, being born _slaves_, cannot be delivered but by his grace....
In chapter 8, as we have said, the word of Jesus is rejected; and, in chapter 9, His works. But there is much more than that. The personal glories of chapter 1 are reproduced and developed in all thes...
IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE,.... Alluding to the custom of adoption by the sons or brethren in the family, which obtained in Greece, called αδελφοθεσια, "the adoption of brethren", as Gro...
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Ver. 36. _Free indeed_] Not seemingly so, or in conceit only, as those lost libertines, 2 Peter 2:1; 2 Peter 2:19. Ahaz thought hims...
_They answered him_ Namely, the other Jews that were present, not those that believed, as appears by the whole tenor of the conversation; _We be Abraham's seed_ A person always free, and a peculiar fa...
IF THE SON; the Son of God, who abides in his Father's house for ever, and to whom he has committed all power over it. FREE INDEED; for ye shall not only be delivered from the bondage of sin and its...
True liberty:...
A WOMAN CAUGHT IN ADULTERY (vs.1-11) While others went to their homes, the Lord spent the night in the mount of Olives, away from all the words and thoughts of men, in the calm of His Father's prese...
30-36 Such power attended our Lord's words, that many were convinced, and professed to believe in him. He encouraged them to attend his teaching, rely on his promises, and obey his commands, notwiths...
If that term THE SON in this verse be the same with THE SON mentioned in the former verse, they must both be understood of Christ: for it is most certain, that here THE SON can signify no more than Ch...
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III But again, those who assert that He was simply a mere man, begotten by Joseph, remaining in the bondage of the old disobedience, are in a state of death having been...
John 8:36 Therefore G3767 if G1437 Son G5207 makes G1659 you G5209 free G1659 (G5661) be G2071 ...
‘And the slave does not remain in the house for ever, the son remains for ever. So if the Son makes you free, you will indeed be free'. Jesus now contrasts those who are slaves to sin to those who bec...
THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM AND THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL (JOHN 8:31). Note how the argument is presented in stages as the case builds up against he Scribes and Pharisees. It had begun with the revelation...
CHAPTER 8 JESUS - THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD AND THE ‘I AM' (JOHN 8:12). In this chapter Jesus is revealed as ‘the Light of the World'. This is a reminder of the one spoken of in the words of Isaiah, ‘the...
John 8:36. IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE, YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED. It is manifestly a special freedom that is here thought of, freedom gained by becoming sons, and thus gaining all that bel...
The feast of Tabernacles is closed, and with it the great illumination of the temple-courts, of which the Jews were wont to boast in lofty terms. Starting from this, and from the fact that He is the t...
IF THEREFORE THE SON SHALL MAKE YOU FREE (εαν ουν ο υιος υμας ελευθερωση). Condition of third class with εαν and first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive. "If therefore the Son set you free," a...
John 8:12. _Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. The Pharisees_ These wasps were a...
John 8:28. _Then said Jesus unto them;_ That is, to the Jews who were questioning and opposing him,- John 8:28. _When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do...
John 8:31. _Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;_ For there were many, in Christ's day, coming to him for a while, and then...
Christ thus spake to his adversaries. John 8:29. _And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone: for I do always those things that please him._ Brethren, what Christ could say, I...
CONTENTS: The woman taken in adultery. Discourse after the feast on Jesus as Light of the world. Satan, the original liar and murderer, and the Satanic brotherhood. CHARACTERS: Jesus, adulterous woma...
John 8:1. _Jesus went to the mount of Olives,_ where it is probable he slept in some booth in the gardens; and returned early to the temple, to preach to the people, before the commencement of public...
IF THE SON MAKES YOU FREE. See Galatians 4:19-31....
_Then said Jesus unto those Jews which believed on Him._ A GLORIOUS LIBERATOR I. FREEDOM PROFFERED. 1. Sin makes bondage (John 8:34; Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13;...
JOHN—NOTE ON JOHN 8:36 SETS YOU FREE from both the guilt and the life-controlling power of sin. ⇐...
_EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL NOTES_ John 8:13. They forgot His vindication of Himself (John 5:31). John 8:14. EVEN IF I BEAR RECORD, ETC.—Although He was content to let the Father witness of Him, still...
EXPOSITION Verses 7:53-8:11 (8) _The pericope adulterae. _(A)_ Excursus on the genuineness of _John 7:53-43__John 7:53-43. It is our duty to examine the various grounds on which this passage has been...
Now Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again to the temple (John 8:1-2), Now the feast is over, but Jesus is returning to the temple on the next day. and all of th...
2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:1; Isaiah 49:24; Isaiah 49:25;...
Indeed [ο ν τ ω ς]. Used by John only here. It means essentially....
THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD John 8:12 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. Jesus Christ the Life, was the Light. When we study-John 1:1, we think of Christ in the beginning as the Word, creating by His command all thin...
If I therefore make you free, ye — shall partake of the same privilege: being made free from all guilt and sin, ye shall abide in the house of God for ever....