Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God; i.e., in the resurrection of the just, of which Christ had made mention in the preceding verse. S. Cyril in the Catena, says. "This man was carnal, for he thought the reward of the saints was to be bodily." He must therefore have been one of the Pharisees, for they believe in the resurrection, which the Sadducces deny. Acts 23:8. For in heaven God feeds, satisfies, and fills (inebriat) the blessed with all delights. So the Psalmist: "I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness." Psalms 17:15. And again, "They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness of Thy house, and Thou shalt give them drink of Thy pleasures as out of the river." Psalms 36:8. This joy S. Augustine describes at length in his Soliloquies and Meditations.

Mystically. "He was sighing for something which was afar off, and the bread itself was lying before him. For who is that Bread of the kingdom of God but He who says, I am the living bread which came down from heaven." S. Joh 5:51.

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Old Testament