And he said unto them, exact no more than that which is appointed you in the exaction of taxes. In the Greek it is πζάσσετε, which can be translated both make and exact, but in this place is more clearly rendered exact as the Syriac and the Greek render it. So Jansenius, Maldonatus, Francis Lucas, and others. For tax-gatherers are wont to increase the tribute out of avarice, and to exact more than is appointed by the Ruler, which is theft or rapine, wherefore John here charges them with it. "He lays a moderate command on them," says S. Augustine (Serm. 3 de Diversis), "that both iniquity may have no place, and the appointed tribute may have effect" "So the Baptist," says S. Ambrose, "gives to each generation of men the answer suitable to them." Let the preacher do the same, and prescribe to wives, to husbands, to sons, to maidservants, to menservants, to merchants, farmers and lawyers, what each in particular ought to do, and give each one the directions proper to his state of life."

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Old Testament