1 _Christ healeth one sick of the palsy_, 14 _calleth Matthew from the
receipt of custom_, 15 _eateth with publicans and sinners_, 18
_excuseth his disciples for not fasting_, 23 _and for plucking the
ears of corn on the Sabbath-day._ VER. 1. _And again He entered into
Capernaum after some... [ Continue Reading ]
_He saw Levi_ (_the son_) _of Alphæus_, _i.e._, He saw Matthew, who
by another name is called Levi before he was called by Christ, for
after his vocation he is always called Matthew. _0f_ _Alphæus, i.e._,
the son, as the Syriac expresses it. This Alphæus is a different
person from the Alphæus who wa... [ Continue Reading ]
_Under Abiathar_. You will say that it is said in Isa 21:6 that this
was done under Ahimelech, the father of Abiathar. I answer, first,
that Abiathar was even then the pontiff together with his father,
because when his father was absent, or sick, or otherwise engaged, he
discharged the High Priest's... [ Continue Reading ]