Carry him back - literally, “cause him to return.” Micaiah had been in custody before, and was brought by Ahab’s messenger from his prison.

The governor of the city - This is one out of several notices respecting what may be called the “constitution” of the Israelite kingdom. The king consulted on important matters a Council of elders 1 Kings 20:7. The general administration was carried on by means of the governors of provinces 1 Kings 20:14 and of cities 2 Kings 10:5. The governors of cities, like the monarch, were assisted and checked by councils of elders, the wise men of the several towns 1 Kings 21:8; 2 Kings 10:5. Thus Samaria, as we see from the present passage, was under a special governor, who, among his other duties, had the control of the public prison, and directed the treatment of the prisoners.

The king’s son - The phrase seems to designate a state office, rather than relationship to the sovereign. Compare 2 Chronicles 28:7.

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