The genealogy of Saul is here given as far as Aphiah (“Abiah,” 1
Chronicles 7:8), who was of the house of Becher the son of Benjamin
Genesis 46:21. “Kish” 1 Chronicles 9:35 was the son of “Ner”
the son of “Jehiel,” (or, “Abiel” here and 1 Samuel 14:51),
the first settler (“father,” 1 Chronicles 9:35... [ Continue Reading ]
The land of Shalisha was somewhere near Gilgal, i. e., Jiljulieh. It
is thought to derive its name from “three” (Shalosh) wadys which
unite in the wady of Karawa. The situation of Shalim is not known: its
etymology connects it more probably with the land of Shual 1 Samuel
13:17, apparently round Tai... [ Continue Reading ]
Presents of bread or meat were as common as presents of money.
(Compare Ezekiel 13:19; Hosea 3:2.)... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FOURTH PART OF A SHEKEL - In value about sixpence. Probably the
shekel, like our early English silver coins, was divided into four
quarters by a cross, and actually subdivided, when required, into half
and quarter shekels.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is manifestly a gloss inserted in the older narrative by the
later editor of the sacred text, to explain the use of the term in 1
Samuel 9:11, 1 Samuel 9:18. It is one among many instances which prove
how the very letter of the contemporary narratives was preserved by
those who in later times c... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE HE GO UP - By this phrase we see that the high place was in the
highest part of the city. Like the “house of the god Berith”
Judges 9:46, it was probably the citadel of Ramah. There was connected
with the altar a room large enough for thirty people to dine in 1
Samuel 9:22.... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are not very easily reconcileable with 1 Samuel 7:13. It
is possible that the aggressive movements of the Philistines, after
the long cessation indicated by 1 Samuel 7:13, coupled with Samuel’s
old age and consequent i... [ Continue Reading ]
The tribe of Benjamin, originally the smallest of all the tribes
Numbers 1:36, if Ephraim and Manasseh are reckoned as one tribe, had
been nearly annihilated by the civil war recorded in Judges 20. It had
of course not recovered from that terrible calamity in the time of
Saul, and was doubtless lite... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PARLOUR - The “hall” or “cell” attached to the chapel on
the high place, in which the sacrificial feast was accustomed to be
held. (Compare 1 Chronicles 9:26.)... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SHOULDER AND ITS APPURTENANCES - would give the sense accurately.
The right shoulder was the priest’s portion in the Levitical
sacrifices. Probably it was Samuel’s own portion in this case, and
he gave it to Saul as a mark of the highest honor.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO THE TOP OF THE HOUSE - “On the top.” The bed on which Saul
slept was on the top of the house. It is very common in the East to
provide extra sleeping accommodation by placing a tent or awning on
the house-top.... [ Continue Reading ]