Analysis Of The Chapter

This chapter 1 Thessalonians 3:1 is a continuation of the course of thought pursued in the previous chapter, and seems designed to meet the same state of feeling existing in Thessalonica, and the same objection which some there urged against the apostle. The objection seems to have been, that be had really no attachment for them, and no regard for their welfare; that he had fled from them on the slightest danger, and that when the danger was passed he had not returned, but had left them to bear their afflictions alone. It appears to have been inferred from his long absence, that he had no solicitude for their welfare, and had brought them into difficulties, to escape from which, or to bear which. he was now indisposed to render any assistance. It was important, therefore, for him to remind them of what he had actually done, and to state his real feelings toward them. He refers them, therefore, to the following things as proof of his interest in them, and his affection for them:

(1) He had sent Timothy to them at great personal inconvenience, when he could not go himself: 1 Thessalonians 3:1.

(2) He had been greatly comforted by the report which Timothy had brought of their steadfastness in the faith; 1 Thessalonians 3:6. Every expression of their attachment to him had gone to his heart, and their faith and charity had been to him in his trials the source of unspeakable consolation. His very life depended, as it were, on their fidelity, and he says he should live and be happy if they stood fast in the Lord; 1 Thessalonians 3:8.

(3) He expresses again the earnest desire which he had to see them; says that it had been to him the subject of unceasing prayer night and day, and beseeches God again now that he would be pleased to direct his way to them; 1 Thessalonians 3:9.

(4) As a proof of affection, the chapter is closed with a fervent prayer that God would cause them to abound more and more in love, and would establish their hearts unblameable before him; 1 Thessalonians 3:12. The Thessalonians well knew the apostle Paul. They had had abundant proof of his love when he was with them; and if his enemies there had succeeded in any degree in causing their affection toward him to become cool, or to excite suspicions that he was not sincere, their love must have been rekindled, and their suspicions must have been entirely allayed by the expressions of attachment in this chapter. Language of warmer love, or of deeper interest in the welfare of others, it would not be possible to find anywhere.

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