Acts 17:1

AMPHIPOLIS - This was the capital of the eastern province of Macedonia. It was originally a colony of the Athenians, but under the Romans it was made the capital of that part of Macedonia. It was near to Thrace, and was situated not far from the mouth of the river Strymon, which flowed around the ci... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:2

HIS MANNER WAS - His custom was to attend on the worship of the synagogue, and to preach the gospel to his countrymen first, Acts 9:20; Acts 13:5, Acts 13:14. REASONED WITH THEM - Discoursed to them, or attempted to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. The word used here (διελέγετο dielegeto) often m... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:3

OPENING - διανοίγων dianoigōn. See Luke 24:32. The word means to explain or to unfold. It is usually applied to what is shut, as the eye, etc. Then it means to explain what is concealed or obscure. It means here that he explained the Scriptures in their true sense. AND ALLEGING - παρατιθέμενος p... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:4

AND CONSORTED - Literally, had their lot with Paul and Silas; that is, they united themselves to them, and became their disciples. The word is commonly applied to those who are partakers of an inheritance. AND OF THE DEVOUT GREEKS - Religious Greeks; or, of those who worshipped God. Those are denot... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:5

MOVED WITH ENVY - That they made so many converts, and met with such success. CERTAIN LEWD FELLOWS OF THE BASER SORT - This is an unhappy translation. The word “lewd” is not in the original. The Greek is, “And having taken certain wicked people of those who were about the forum,” or market-place. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:6

THESE THAT HAVE TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN - That have excited commotion and disturbance in other places. The charge has been often brought against the gospel that it has been the occasion of confusion and disorder.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:7

WHOM JASON HATH RECEIVED - Has received into his house, and entertained kindly. THESE ALL DO CONTRARY TO THE DECREES OF CAESAR - The charge against them was that of sedition and rebellion against the Roman emperor. Grotius on this verse remarks that the Roman people, and after them the emperors, wo... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:8

AND THEY TROUBLED THE PEOPLE - They excited the people to commotion and alarm. The rulers feared the tumult that was excited, and the people feared the Romans, when they heard the charge that there were rebels against the government in their city. It does not appear that there was a disposition in t... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:9

AND WHEN THEY HAD TAKEN SECURITY OF JASON - This is an expression taken from courts, and means that Jason and the other gave satisfaction to the magistrates for the good conduct of Paul and Silas, or became responsible for it. Whether it was by depositing a sum of money, and by thus giving bail, is... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:10

AND THE BRETHREN IMMEDIATELY SENT AWAY PAUL AND SILAS - Compare Acts 9:25. They did this for their safety. Yet this was not done until the gospel had taken deep root in Thessalonica. Having preached there, and laid the foundation of a church; having thus accomplished the purpose for which they went... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:11

THESE WERE MORE NOBLE - εὐγενέστεροι eugenesteroi. This literally means more noble by birth; descended from more illustrious ancestors. But here the word is used to denote a quality of mind and heart. They were more generous, liberal, and noble in their feelings; more disposed to inquire candidly... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:12

THEREFORE MANY OF THEM BELIEVED - As the result of their examination. This result will commonly follow when people search the Scriptures. Much is gained when people can be induced to examine the Bible. We may commonly take it for granted that such an examination will result in their conviction of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:13

STIRRED UP THE PEOPLE - The word used here σαλεύειν saleuein denotes properly “to agitate” or “excite,” as the waves of the sea are agitated by the wind. It is with great beauty used to denote the “agitation and excitement of a popular tumult,” from its resemblance to the troubled waves of the ocea... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:14

THE BRETHREN - Those who were Christians. SENT AWAY PAUL - In order to secure his safety. A similar thing had been done in Thessalonica, Acts 17:10. The tumult was great; and there was no doubt, such was the hostility of the Jews, that the life of Paul would be endangered, and they there fore resol... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:15

UNTO ATHENS - This was the first visit of Paul to this celebrated city; and perhaps the first visit of a Christian minister. His success in this city, for some cause, was not great, but his preaching was attended with the conversion of some individuals. See Acts 17:34. Athens was the most celebrated... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:16

NOW WHILE PAUL WAITED - How long he was there is not intimated; but doubtless some time would elapse before they could arrive. In the meantime Paul had ample opportunity to observe the state of the city. HIS SPIRIT WAS STIRRED IN HIM - His mind was greatly excited. The word used here (παρωξύνετο p... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:17

THEREFORE DISPUTED HE - Or reasoned. He engaged in an argument with them. WITH THE DEVOUT PERSONS - Those worshipping God after the manner of the Jews. They were Jewish proselytes, who had renounced idolatry, but who had not been fully admitted to the privileges of the Jews. See the notes on Acts 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:18

THEN CERTAIN PHILOSOPHERS - Athens was distinguished, among all the cities of Greece and the world, for the cultivation of a subtle and refined philosophy. This was their boast, and the object of their constant search and study, 1 Corinthians 1:22. OF THE EPICUREANS - This sect of philosophers was s... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:19

AND BROUGHT HIM UNTO AREOPAGUS - Margin, or “Mars’ hill.” This was the place or court in which the Areopagites, the celebrated supreme judges of Athens, assembled. It was on a hill almost in the middle of the city; but nothing now remains by which we can determine the form or construction of the tri... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:20

CERTAIN STRANGE THINGS - Literally, something pertaining to a foreign country or people. Here it means something unusual or remarkable - something different from what they had been accustomed to hear from their philosophers. WHAT THESE THINGS MEAN - We would understand more clearly what is affirmed... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:21

FOR ALL THE ATHENIANS - This was their general character. AND STRANGERS WHICH WERE THERE - Athens was greatly distinguished for the celebrity of its schools of philosophy. It was at that time at the head of the literary world. Its arts and its learning were celebrated in all lands. It is known, the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:22

THEN PAUL - This commences Paul’s explanation of the doctrines which he had stated. It is evident that Luke has recorded but a mere summary or outline of the discourse; but it is such as to enable us to see clearly his course of thought, and the manner in which he met the two principal sects of thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:23

FOR AS I PASSED BY - Greek: “For I, coming through, and seeing, etc.” AND BEHELD - Diligently contemplated; attentively considered ἀναθεωρῶν anatheōrōn. The worship of an idolatrous people will be an object of intense and painful interest to a Christian. YOUR DEVOTIONS - τὰ σεβάσματα ta sebas... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:24

GOD THAT MADE THE WORLD - The main object of this discourse of Paul is to convince them of the folly of idolatry Acts 17:29, and thus to lead them to repentance. For this purpose he commences with a statement of the true doctrine respecting God as the Creator of all things. We may observe here: (1)... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:25

NEITHER IS WORSHIPPED WITH MEN’S HANDS - The word here rendered “worshipped” (θεραπέυεται therapeuetai) denotes to “serve”; to wait upon; and then to render religious service or homage. There is reference here, undoubtedly, to a notion prevalent among the pagan, that the gods were fed or nourished... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:26

AND HATH MADE OF ONE BLOOD - All the families of mankind are descended from one origin or stock. However different their complexion, features, or language, yet they are derived from a common parent. The word blood is often used to denote “race, stock, kindred.” This passage affirms that all the huma... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:27

THAT THEY SHOULD SEEK THE LORD - Greek: to seek the Lord. The design of thus placing them on the earth - of gang them their habitation among his works - was, that they should contemplate his wisdom in his works, and thus come to a knowledge of his existence and character. All nations, though living... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:28

FOR IN HIM WE LIVE - The expression “in him” evidently means by him; by his originally forming us, and continually sustaining us. No words can better express our constant dependence on God. He is the original fountain of life, and he upholds us each moment. A similar sentiment is found in Plautus (5... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:29

FORASMUCH THEN - Admitting or assuming this to be true. The argument which follows is drawn from the concessions of their own writers. WE OUGHT NOT TO THINK - It is absurd to suppose. The argument of the apostle is this: “Since we are formed by God; since we are like him, living and intelligent bei... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:30

AND THE TIMES OF THIS IGNORANCE - The long period when people were ignorant of the true God, and when they worshipped stocks and stones. Paul here refers to the times preceding the gospel. GOD WINKED AT - ὑπεριδὼν huperidōn. Overlooked; connived at; did not come forth to punish. In Acts 14:16 it... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:31

BECAUSE HE HATH APPOINTED A DAY - This is given as a reason why God commands people to repent. They must be judged; and if they are not penitent and pardoned, they must be condemned. See the notes on Romans 2:16. JUDGE THE WORLD - The whole world - Jews and Gentiles. IN RIGHTEOUSNESS - According t... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:32

SOME MOCKED - Some of the philosophers derided him. The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead was believed by none of the Greeks; it seemed incredible; and they regarded it as so absurd as not to admit of an argument, It has nor been uncommon for even professed philosophers to mock at the doctrin... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:33

SO PAUL DEPARTED - Seeing there was little hope of saving them. It was not his custom to labor long in a barren field, or to preach where there was no prospect of success.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 17:34

CLAVE UNTO HIM - Adhered to him firmly; embraced the Christian religion. DIONYSIUS - Nothing more is certainly known of this man than is here stated. THE AREOPAGITE - Connected with the court of Areopagus, but in what way is not known. It is probable that he was one of the judges. The conversion o... [ Continue Reading ]

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