This chapter Acts 7 contains the defense of Stephen before the
Sanhedrin, or Great Council of the Jews. There has been great
diversity of opinion about the object which Stephen had in view in
this defense, and about the reason why he introduced at such length
the history of the Jewish people. But a... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN SAID THE HIGH PRIEST - See the notes on Matthew 2:4. In this case
the high priest seems to have presided in the council.
ARE THESE THINGS SO? - To wit, the charge alleged against him of
blasphemy against Moses and the temple, Acts 6:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
MEN, BRETHREN, AND FATHERS - These were the usual titles by which the
Sanhedrin was addressed. In all this Stephen was perfectly respectful,
and showed that he was disposed to render due honor to the
institutions of the nation.
THE GOD OF GLORY - This is a Hebrew form of expression denoting “the
glo... [ Continue Reading ]
AND SAID UNTO HIM - How long this was said before he went is not
recorded. Moses simply says that God had commanded him to go, Genesis
THY KINDRED - Thy relatives, or family connections. It seems that
“Terah” went with him as far as to Haran; but Abraham was apprised
that he was to leave his... [ Continue Reading ]
LAND OF THE CHALDEANS - From Ur of the Chaldees, Genesis 11:31.
WHEN HIS FATHER WAS DEAD - This passage has given rise to no small
difficulty in the interpretation. The difficulty is this: From Genesis
11:26, it would seem that Abraham was born when Terah was 70 years of
age. “And Terah lived sevent... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HE GAVE HIM NONE INHERITANCE - Abraham led a wandering life; and
this passage means that he did not himself receive a permanent
possession or residence in that land. The only land which he owned was
the field which he “purchased” of the children of Heth for a
burial place, Genesis 23: As this wa... [ Continue Reading ]
AND GOD SPAKE ON THIS WISE - In this manner, Genesis 15:13.
HIS SEED - His posterity; his descendants.
SHOULD SOJOURN - This means that they would have a “temporary
residence there.” The word is used in opposition to a fixed,
permanent home, and is applied to travelers, or foreigners.
IN A STRANG... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THE NATION ... - Referring particularly to the Egyptians.
WILL I JUDGE - The word “judge,” in the Bible, often means to
“execute judgment” as well as to pronounce it; that is, “to
punish.” See John 18:31; John 3:17; John 8:50; John 12:47; Act 24:6;
1 Corinthians 5:13, etc. It has this meaning he... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HE GAVE HIM - That is, God appointed or commanded this, Genesis
THE COVENANT - The word “covenant” denotes properly “a compact
or agreement between two or more persons,” usually attended with
seals, pledges, or sanctions. In Genesis 17:7, and elsewhere, it is
said that God would establish... [ Continue Reading ]
MOVED WITH ENVY - That is, dissatisfied with the favor which their
father Jacob showed Joseph, and envious at the dreams which indicated
that he was to be raised to remarkable honor above his parents and
brethren, Genesis 37:3.
SOLD JOSEPH INTO EGYPT - Sold him, that he might be taken to Egypt.
Thi... [ Continue Reading ]
AND DELIVERED HIM ... - That is, restored him to liberty from his
servitude and humiliation, and raised him up to high honors and
offices in Egypt.
FAVOUR AND WISDOM - The favor was the result of his wisdom. His wisdom
was particularly evinced in interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh,
Genesis 41.
AND... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW THERE CAME A DEARTH - A famine, Genesis 41:54.
AND CHANAAN - Jacob was living at that time in Canaan.
FOUND NO SUSTENANCE - No food; no means of living.... [ Continue Reading ]
WAS CORN IN EGYPT - The word “corn” here rather denotes
“wheat.” See the notes on Matthew 12:1.
OUR FATHERS - His ten sons; all his sons except Joseph and Benjamin,
Genesis 42: Stephen here “refers” only to the history, without
entering into details. By this general reference he sufficiently
showed... [ Continue Reading ]
JOSEPH’S KINDRED ... - His relatives; his family, Genesis 45:16.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL HIS KINDRED - His father and family, Genesis 45:17; Genesis 46:1.
THREESCORE AND FIFTEEN SOULS - Seventy-five persons. There has been
much perplexity felt in the explanation of this passage. In Genesis
46:26, Exodus 1:5, and Deuteronomy 10:22, it is expressly said that
the number which went down... [ Continue Reading ]
AND DIED - Genesis 49:33.
HE AND OUR FATHERS - The time which the Israelites remained in Egypt
was 215 years, so that all the sons of Jacob were deceased before the
Jews went out to go to the land of Canaan.
AND WERE CARRIED OVER - Jacob himself was buried in the field of
Macpelah by Joseph and his... [ Continue Reading ]
THE TIME OF THE PROMISE - The time of the “fulfillment” of the
THE PEOPLE GREW ... - Exodus 1:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
TILL ANOTHER KING AROSE - This is quoted from Exodus 1:8. What was the
“name” of this king is not certainly known. The “common” name
of all the kings of Egypt was “Pharaoh,” as “Caesar” became
the common name of the emperors of Rome after the time of Julius
Caesar: thus we say, Augustus Caesar, Tibe... [ Continue Reading ]
DEALT SUBTILLY - He acted deceitfully; he used fraud. The cunning or
deceitful attempt which is referred to, is his endeavour to weaken and
destroy the Jewish people by causing their male children to be put to
death, Exodus 1:22.
OUR KINDRED - Our nation, or our ancestors.
AND EVIL-ENTREATED - Was... [ Continue Reading ]
IN WHICH TIME ... - During this period of oppression. See Exodus 2:2,
WAS EXCEEDING FAIR - Greek: “was fair to God”; properly rendered,
“was very handsome.” The word “God” in the Greek here in
accordance with the Hebrew usage, by which anything that is “very
handsome, lofty, or grand” is thus d... [ Continue Reading ]
WAS CAST OUT - When he was exposed on the banks of the Nile, Exodus
AND NOURISHED HIM - Adopted him, and treated him as her own son,
Exodus 2:10. It is implied in this that he was educated by her. An
adopted son in the family of Pharaoh would be favored with all the
advantages which the land c... [ Continue Reading ]
MOSES WAS LEARNED - Or, was “instructed.” It does not mean that he
had that learning, but that he was carefully “trained” or educated
in that wisdom. The passage does not express the fact that Moses was
distinguished for “learning,” but that he was carefully
“educated,” or that pains were taken to m... [ Continue Reading ]
FULL FORTY YEARS OLD - This is not recorded in the Old Testament; but
it is a constant tradition of the Jews that Moses was 40 years of age
when he undertook to deliver them. Thus, it is said, “Moses lived in
the palace of Pharaoh forty years; he was forty years in Midian; and
he ministered to Israe... [ Continue Reading ]
SUFFER WRONG - The wrong or injury was, that the Egyptian was smiting
the Hebrew, Exodus 2:11.
SMOTE THE EGYPTIAN - He slew him, and buried him in the sand,... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HE SUPPOSED - This is not mentioned by Moses; but it is not at all
improbable. When they saw him “alone” contending with the
Egyptian; when it was understood that he had come and taken vengeance
on one of their oppressors, it might have been presumed that he
regarded himself as directed by God t... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THE NEXT DAY - Exodus 2:13.
HE SHOWED HIMSELF - He appeared in a sudden and unexpected manner to
UNTO THEM - That is, to “two” of the Hebrews, Exodus 2:13.
AS THEY STROVE - As they were engaged in a quarrel.
HAVE SET THEM AT ONE - Greek: “would have urged them to peace.”
This he did by... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT HE THAT DID ... - Intent on his purpose, filled with rage and
passion, he rejected all interference, and all attempts at peace. It
is usually the man that does the injury that is unwilling to be
reconciled; and when we find a man that regards the entreaties of his
friends as improper interferenc... [ Continue Reading ]
WILT THOU KILL ME ... - How it was known that he had killed the
Egyptian does not appear. It was probably communicated by the man who
was rescued from the hands of the Egyptian, Exodus 2:11.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN FLED MOSES ... - Moses fled because he now ascertained that what
he had done was known. He supposed that it had been unobserved, Exodus
2:12. But he now thought that the knowledge of it might reach Pharaoh,
and that his life might thus be endangered. Nor did he judge
incorrectly; for as soon as... [ Continue Reading ]
AND WHEN FORTY YEARS ... - At the age of 80 years. This, however, was
known by tradition. It is not expressly mentioned by Moses. It is
said, however, to have been after the king of Egypt had died Exodus
2:23; and the tradition is not improbable.
IN THE WILDERNESS OF MOUNT SINA - In the desert adjac... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WONDERED ... - What particularly attracted his attention was the
fact that the bush was not consumed, Exodus 3:2.
THE VOICE OF THE LORD - Yahweh spake to him from the midst of the
bush. He did not see him. He merely heard a voice.... [ Continue Reading ]
SAYING, I AM THE GOD ... - See this explained in the notes on Matthew
THEN MOSES TREMBLED - Exodus 3:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN SAID THE LORD ... - In Exodus 3 this is introduced in a different
order, as being spoken “before” God said “I am the God,” etc.
PUT OFF THY SHOES ... - Exodus 3:5. To put off the shoes; or sandals,
was an act of reverence. The ancients were especially not permitted to
enter a temple or holy pla... [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE SEEN ... - The repetition of this word is in accordance with
the usage of the Hebrew writers when they wish to represent anything
THEIR GROANING - Under their oppressions.
AM COME DOWN - This is spoken in accordance with human conceptions. It
means that God was about to delive... [ Continue Reading ]
WHOM THEY REFUSED - That is, when he first presented himself to them,
Exodus 2:13. Stephen introduces and dwells upon this refusal in order,
perhaps, to remind them that this had been the character of their
nation, and to prepare the way for the charge which he intended to
bring against those whom h... [ Continue Reading ]
WONDERS AND SIGNS - Miracles, and remarkable interpositions of God.
See the notes on Acts 2:22.
IN THE LAND OF EGYPT - By the ten plagues. Exo. 4–12.
IN THE RED SEA - Dividing it, and conducting the Israelites in safety,
and overthrowing the Egyptians, Exodus 14.
IN THE WILDERNESS - During their... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH SAID ... - Deuteronomy 18:15, Deuteronomy 18:18. See this
explained, Acts 3:22. Stephen introduced this to remind them of the
promise of a Messiah; to show his faith in that promise; and
“particularly” to remind them of their obligation to hear and obey
him.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE CHURCH - The word “church” means literally “the people
called out,” and is applied with great propriety to the assembly or
multitude called out of Egypt, and separated from the world. It has
not, however, of necessity our idea of a church, but means the
“assembly,” or people called out of Egy... [ Continue Reading ]
WOULD NOT OBEY ... - This refers to what they said of him when he was
in the mount, Exodus 32:1, Exodus 32:23.
IN THEIR HEARTS TURNED ... - They wished to return to Egypt. They
regretted that they had come out of Egypt, and desired again the
things which they had there, as preferable to what they h... [ Continue Reading ]
SAYING UNTO AARON - Exodus 32:1.
MAKE US GODS - That is, idols.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THEY MADE A CALF - This was made of the ear-rings and ornaments
which they had brought from Egypt, Exodus 32:2. Stephen introduces
this to remind them how prone the nation had been to reject God, and
to walk in the ways of sin.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN GOD TURNED - That is, turned away from them; abandoned them to
their own desires.
THE HOST OF HEAVEN - The stars, or heavenly bodies. The word
“host” means “armies.” It is applied to the heavenly bodies
because they are very numerous, and appear to be “marshalled” or
arrayed in military order.... [ Continue Reading ]
YEA, YE TOOK UP - That is, you bore, or you carried with you, for
purposes of idolatrous worship.
THE TABERNACLE - This word properly means a “tent”; but it is also
applied to the small tent or house in which was contained the image of
the god; the shrine, box, or tent in which the idol was placed.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE TABERNACLE OF WITNESS - The “tent” or “tabernacle” which
Moses was commanded to make. It was called a tabernacle of
“witness,” or of “testimony,” because it was the visible
witness or proof of God’s presence with them; the evidence that he
to whom it was devoted was their protector and guide. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
OUR FATHERS THAT CAME AFTER - None of the generation that came out of
Egypt were permitted to enter into the and of Canaan except Caleb and
Joshua, Numbers 14:22; Numbers 32:11. Hence, it is said that their
fathers who “came after,” that is, after the generation when the
tabernacle was built. The Gr... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO FOUND FAVOUR ... - That is, God granted him great prosperity, and
delivered him from his enemies.
TO FIND A TABERNACLE - To prepare a permanent dwelling-place for the
“ark,” and for the visible symbols of the divine presence.
Hitherto the ark had been kept in the tabernacle, and had been borne... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT SOLOMON ... - Built the temple. David was not permitted to do it
because he had been a man of war, 1 Chronicles 22:8. He prepared the
principal materials for the temple, but Solomon built it, 1 Chronicles
22: Compare 1 Kings 6.... [ Continue Reading ]
HOWBEIT - But. Stephen was charged with speaking against the temple.
He had now shown that he had due veneration for it, by his declaring
that it had been built by the command of God. But he “now” adds
that God does not need such a temple. Heaven is his throne; the
universe his dwelling-place; and “... [ Continue Reading ]
HEAVEN IS MY THRONE - See the notes on Matthew 5:34.
EARTH IS MY FOOTSTOOL - See the notes on Matthew 5:35.
WHAT HOUSE ... - What house or temple can be large or magnificent
enough for the dwelling of Him who made all things?
THE PLACE OF MY REST - My home, my abode, my fixed seat or habitation.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE STIFF-NECKED - The discourse of Stephen has every appearance of
having been interrupted by the clamors and opposition of the
Sanhedrin. This verse has no immediate connection with what precedes,
and appears to have been spoken in the midst of opposition and clamor.
If we may conjecture in this ca... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH OF THE PROPHETS ... - The interrogative form here is a strong
mode of saying that they had persecuted “all” the prophets. It was
“the characteristic of the nation” to persecute the messengers of
God. This is not to be taken as literally and universally true; but it
was a general truth; it was... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW - The Law of Moses, given on Mount Sinai.
BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS - There has been much diversity of
opinion in regard to this phrase, εἰς διαταγὰς
ἀγγέλων eis diatagas angelōn. The word translated
“disposition” does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament. It
pr... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY WERE CUT TO THE HEART - They were exceedingly enraged and
indignant. The whole course of the speech had been such as to excite
their anger, and now they could restrain themselves no longer.
THEY GNASHED ON HIM ... - Expressive of the bitterness and malignity
of their feeling.... [ Continue Reading ]
FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST - See the notes on Acts 2:4.
LOOKED UP STEDFASTLY - Fixed his eyes intently on heaven. Foreseeing
his danger, and the effect his speech had produced; seeing that there
was no safety in the Great Council of the nation, and no prospect of
justice at their hands, he cast his eye... [ Continue Reading ]
I SEE THE HEAVENS OPENED - A figurative expression, denoting that he
was permitted to see “into” heaven, or to see what was there, as
if the firmament was divided, and the eye was permitted to penetrate
the eternal world. Compare Ezekiel 1:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN THEY CRIED OUT - That is, probably, “the people,” not the
members of the council It is evident he was put to death in a popular
tumult. They had charged him with blasphemy; and they regarded what he
had now said as full proof of it.
AND STOPPED THEIR EARS - That they might hear no more blasphe... [ Continue Reading ]
AND CAST HIM OUT OF THE CITY - This was in accordance with the usual
custom. In Leviticus 24:14, it was directed to bring forth him that
had cursed without the camp; and it was not usual, the Jewish writers
inform us, to stone in the presence of the Sanhedrin. Though this was
a popular tumult, and S... [ Continue Reading ]
CALLING UPON GOD - The word God is not in the original, and should not
have been in the translation. It is in none of the ancient mss. or
versions. It should have been rendered, “They stoned Stephen,
invoking, or calling upon, and saying, Lord Jesus,” etc. That is, he
was engaged “in prayer” to the... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HE KNEELED DOWN - This seems to have been a “voluntary”
kneeling; a placing himself in this position for the purpose of
“prayer,” choosing to die in this attitude.
LORD - That is, Lord Jesus. See the notes on Acts 1:24.
LAY NOT ... - Forgive them. This passage strikingly resembles the
dying pr... [ Continue Reading ]