According to the riches of his glory - According to the glorious abundance of his mercy; see Philippians 4:19. Out of those stores of rich grace which can never be exhausted. The word “riches,” so often used by Paul, denotes “abundance,” and the idea here is, that his grace was inexhaustible and ample for all their needs.

To be strengthened with might - To be powerfully strengthened. That is, to give you abundant strength to bear trials; to perform your duties; to glorify his name.

In the inner man - In the heart, the mind, the soul; see the notes on Romans 7:22. The “body” needs to be strengthened every day. In like manner the soul needs constant supplies of grace. Piety needs to be constantly invigorated, or it withers and decays. Every Christian needs grace given each day to enable him to bear trials, to resist temptation, to discharge his duty, to live a life of faith.

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