The prophecies contained in these chapters Ezek. 8–19 fall within
eleven months (compare Ezekiel 8:1 with Ezekiel 20:1). Although they
were not all delivered on the same day, they may be regarded as a
whole. They contain in fact a review of the condition of the people of
Judah, including those who w... [ Continue Reading ]
THE ELDERS OF JUDAH - The prophet’s fellow-exiles are no longer
unwilling to hear him Ezekiel 2:1. They sat as mourners. The message
here is not as in Ezekiel 6:2, but distinctly to Judah, that portion
of the people whose exile Ezekiel shared.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE APPEARANCE OF FIRE - In margin reference, seen as the appearance
of a man enthroned upon the cherubim. Here He stands apart from the
throne revealing Himself to His servant. Compare Daniel 3:25 note.
AMBER - See the margin reference note.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE VISIONS OF GOD - Ezekiel was not transported “in the body,”
but rapt “in spirit,” while he still sat amidst the elders of
THE INNER GATE - Or, the gate of the inner court. This gate, leading
from the outer to the inner court (the court of the priests), is
called Ezekiel 8:5 “the gate o... [ Continue Reading ]
The glory of the Lord having departed from His seat between the
cherubims in the holy of holies (see Ezekiel 9:3) rests in the
threshold of the temple, to execute vengeance before it quits the
house altogether Ezekiel 10:18. The “there” in the inner court,
which was “full of the brightness of the Lo... [ Continue Reading ]
THE DOOR OF THE COURT - The seer is brought to another spot. In
Ezekiel’s time there were various buildings on the space around the
inner court which formed a court or courts, not improbably enclosed by
a wall. The idolatries here were viewed as taking place in secret, and
it is more in accordance w... [ Continue Reading ]
There is clearly a reference to the idolatry of Egypt. Many
subterranean chambers in rocks upon the shores of the Nile exhibit
ornamentation and hieroglyphical characters, some of which are
representative of the objects of idolatrous worship. Such chambers
fitted them for the scene of the ideal pict... [ Continue Reading ]
SEVENTY MEN - Compare Exodus 24:9. The vision may have pointed to the
contrast between the times. The number “seven” is symbolic of the
covenant between Yahweh and His people, and so the “seventy” men
exhibit forcibly the breach of the covenant. It is a figure of the
covert idolatry of the whole peo... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE DARK - Hidden in the secret places which the seer dug through
the wall to discover.
CHAMBERS OF HIS IMAGERY - i. e., chambers painted with images.... [ Continue Reading ]
The seer is now brought back to the same gate as in Ezekiel 8:3.
It is not certain that this verse refers to any special act of
Tammuz-worship. The month in which the vision was seen, the sixth
month (September), was not the month of the Tammuz-rites. But that
such rites had been performed in Jerusa... [ Continue Reading ]
THE INNER COURT - The court of the priests.
ABOUT FIVE AND TWENTY MEN - Rather, as it were five etc. This was the
number of the heads of the 24 courses (shifts) with the high priest
presiding over them. These then were the representatives of the
priests, as the seventy were of the people. In the tem... [ Continue Reading ]
“Violence” represents sin against man, “abominations” sins
against God. These went hand in hand in Jerusalem.
AND HAVE RETURNED - After the reformation effected for a time by
Josiah’s zeal, they have gone back to their old state.
THEY PUT THE BRANCH TO THEIR NOSE - An allusion to a then familiar
p... [ Continue Reading ]