Ezekiel 9 - Introduction
The punishment of the dwellers in Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]
The punishment of the dwellers in Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEM THAT HAVE CHARGE - The angels who have charge to execute God’s sentence. EVERY MAN - “angels,” not “men.”... [ Continue Reading ]
SIX MEN - angels of wrath - figurative of destruction. They come from the north, the quarter from which invading armies entered the holy land. These “six” angels, with the “one among them,” a superior over the six, make up the number “seven,” a number symbolic of God’s covenant with His people. THE... [ Continue Reading ]
CHERUB - The singular is put collectively for the “cherubim,” which were upon the mercy-seat of the ark in the holy of holies, the proper seat of the glory of the Lord in the midst of Israel. God is represented as “arising” from between the cherubim to scatter His enemies Numbers 10:35.... [ Continue Reading ]
mercy precedes judgment. So in the case of Sodom Genesis 19, and in the last day Luke 21:18, Luke 21:28; Revelation 7:1. This accords with the eschatological character of the predictions in this chapter (see the introduction of Ezekiel). A MARK - literally, “Tau,” the name of the last letter of the... [ Continue Reading ]
BEGIN AT MY SANCTUARY - The first to be punished were those who had brought idolatry nearest to the holy place. The “ancient men,” i. e., the 25 men who had stood with their backs to the altar Ezekiel 8:16 were the first to be slain.... [ Continue Reading ]
DEFILE THE HOUSE - By filling the temple and its courts with the bodies of the slain. See Numbers 19:11.... [ Continue Reading ]
LEFT - The prophet was left alone, all who had been around him were slain.... [ Continue Reading ]