Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary
Galatians 6 - Introduction
This chapter is composed entirely of affectionate exhortation, and the expression of the apostle’s earnest solicitude in the behalf of the Christians in Galatia. He exhorts them Galatians 6:1 to bring back to the ways of virtue anyone who through the strength of strong temptation had been led astray. He entreats them Galatians 6:2 to bear one another’s burdens, and thus to show that they were true friends of Christ, and governed by his laws. He entreats them not to be lifted up with pride, and not to affix an inordinate estimate to anything that they possessed, assuring them that their true estimate was to be formed from the character of their own works; Galatians 6:3. He exhorts them to minister to the needs of their public teachers, the preachers of the gospel; Galatians 6:6. In Galatians 6:7, he reminds them of the solemn day of judgment, when all will be tried; assures them that people will be judged and rewarded according to their works; and entreats them not to be weary in well-doing, but to labor on patiently in doing good, with the assurance that they should reap in due season.
In Galatians 6:11, he shows them the interest which he felt in them by his having done what was unusual for him, and what perhaps he had done in no other instance - writing an entire letter in his own hand. He then states the true reason why others wished them to be circumcised. It was the dread of persecution, and not any real love to the cause of religion. They did not themselves keep the Law, and they only desired to glory in the number of converts to their views; Galatians 6:12. But Paul says that he would glory in nothing but in the cross of Christ. By that he had been crucified to the world, and the world had been crucified to him Galatians 6:14; and he repeats the solemn assurance that in the Christian religion neither circumcision nor uncircumcision was of any importance whatever; Galatians 6:15. This was the true rule of life, and on as many as walked according to this principle, he invokes the blessing of God; Galatians 6:16. He closes the Epistle by entreating them to give him no more trouble. He bore in his body already the marks or sufferings which he had received in the cause of the Lord Jesus. His trials already were sufficient; and he entreats them to spare him from future molestation Galatians 6:17, and closes with the benediction; Galatians 6:18.