Which stood only in meats and drinks - The idea is, that the ordinances of the Jews, in connection with the services of religion, consisted much of laws pertaining to what was lawful to eat and drink, etc. A considerable part of those laws related to the distinction between clean and unclean beasts, and to such arrangements as were designed to keep them externally distinct from other nations. It is possible also that there may be a reference here to meat and drink offerings. On the grammatical difficulties of this verse, see Stuart on the Hebrews, in loc.

And divers washings - The various ablutions which were required in the service of the tabernacle and the temple - washing of the hands, of the victim that was to be offered, etc. It was for this purpose that the laver was erected in front of the tabernacle Exodus 30:18; Exodus 31:9; Exodus 35:16, and that the brass sea and the lavers were constructed in connection with the temple of Solomon; 2 Chronicles 4:2; 1 Kings 7:26. The Greek word here is “baptisms.” On its meaning, see Matthew 3:6 note; Mark 7:4 note.

And carnal ordinances - Margin, “Or, rites, or ceremonies.” Greek “Ordinances of the flesh;” that is, which pertained to the flesh or to external ceremonies. The object was rather to keep them “externally” pure than to cleanse the conscience and make them holy in heart.

Imposed on them - “Laid on them” - ἐπικέιμενα epikeimena. It does not mean that there was any “oppression” or “injustice” in regard to these ordinances, but that they were appointed for a temporary purpose.

Until the time of reformation - The word rendered here “reformation” - διόρθωσις diorthōsis - means properly “emendation, improvement, reform.” It refers to putting a thing in a right condition; making it better; or raising up and restoring what is fallen down. Passow. Here the reference is undoubtedly to the gospel as being a better system - “a putting things where they ought to be;” compare notes on Acts 3:21. The idea here is, that those ordinances were only temporary in their nature, and were designed to endure until a more perfect system should be introduced. They were of value “to introduce” that better system; they were not adapted to purify the conscience and remove the stains of guilt from the soul.

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