Isaiah 17 - Introduction

The prophecy which comprises Isaiah 17:1, professes, by its title, to be against Damascus only. But it relates to the kingdom of Samaria no less than to Damascus. The reason is, that the kingdoms of Israel and Damascus were confederated against the kingdom of Judah. The design of the prophecy may ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:1

THE BURDEN OF DAMASCUS - The oracle indicating calamity or destruction to Damascus (see the note at Isaiah 13:1). “Damascus is taken away.” That is, it shall be destroyed. It was represented to the prophet in vision as destroyed (see the note at Isaiah 1:1). AND IT SHALL BE A RUINOUS HEAP - See Isa... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:2

THE CITIES OF AROER - By “Aroer” here seems to be meant a tract or region of country pertaining to Damascus, in which were situated several cities. Grotius supposes that it was a tract of country in Syria which is called by Ptolemy “Aueira” - Αὔειρα _Aueira_. Vitringa supposes that one part of Dam... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:3

THE FORTRESS - The strong place of defense; the fortified place. SHALL CEASE - Shall come to an end; shall cease to be, for so the word שׁבת _shâbath_ is often used, Genesis 8:22; Isaiah 24:8; Lamentations 5:15. FROM EPHRAIM - The name given to the kingdom of Israel, or to the ten tribes, because... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:4

THE GLORY OF JACOB - “Jacob” is used here to denote the kingdom of Israel, or Samaria. The word ‘glory’ here denotes dignity, power; that on which they relied, and of which they boasted. SHALL BE MADE THIN - Shall be diminished, as a body wastes away by disease, and becomes feeble. The prophet sets... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:5

AND IT SHALL BE ... - This is the other figure by which the prophet sets forth the calamities that were coming upon Ephraim - an image designed to denote the fact that the inhabitants and wealth of the land would be collected and removed, as the farmer gathers his harvest, and leaves only that which... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:6

YET GLEANING-GRAPES ... - They shall not all be removed, or destroyed. A “few” shall be left, as a man who is gathering grapes or olives will leave a few that are inaccessible on the topmost boughs, or the furthest branches. Those would be usually the poorest, and so it may be implied that those lef... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:7

AT THAT DAY SHALL A MAN LOOK TO HIS MAKER - Instead of confiding in their strongly fortified places and armies, they shall look for aid and protection to the God that made them, and who alone can help them. National afflictions and judgments often have the effect to turn the eyes of even a wicked an... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:8

AND HE SHALL NOT LOOK TO THE ALTARS - That is, the altars of the gods which the Syrians worshipped, and the altars of the false gods which had been erected in the land of Israel or Samaria by its wicked kings, and particularly by Ahaz. Ahaz fancied an altar which he saw at Damascus when on a visit t... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:9

HIS STRONG CITIES - The cities of the united kingdoms of Damascus and Samaria. BE AS A FORSAKEN BOUGH - There has been much difficulty in the interpretation of this passage. Lowth says, ‘No one has ever been able to make any tolerable sense of these words;’ and proposes himself the translation, In... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:10

BECAUSE THOU ... - Because the kingdom of Israel or Samaria had done it. THE GOD OF THY SALVATION - The God in whom alone was salvation; or who alone could protect thee (compare Micah 7:7; Hosea 2:15). THE ROCK OF THY STRENGTH - God. A rock of strength is a strongly fortified place; or a rock which... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:11

IN THE DAY ... - Thou shalt cultivate it assiduously and constantly. Thou shalt be at special pains that it may be watered and pruned, in order that it may produce abundantly. AND IN THE MORNING - With early care and attention - denoting the pains that would be bestowed on the young plant. THE HARV... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:12

WO TO THE MULTITUDE ... - The word ‘woe’ (הוי _hôy_) may be either an interjection simply directing the attention to them, or it may be a word indicating approaching calamity and judgment (see the note at Isaiah 5:6). Gesenius supposes that it is rather the language of compassion, on account of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:13

GOD SHALL REBUKE THEM - The word ‘God’ is not here in the original, but is evidently to be supplied. The word ‘rebuke’ means that he would disarrange their plans, prevent their success, and defeat their purposes. It shows the great power of God, that he can thus by a “rebuke” - a word - arrest might... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:14

AT EVENING-TIDE TROUBLE - In the time of evening - that is, in the night. BEFORE THE MORNING HE IS NOT - That is, he is destroyed. This is strikingly descriptive of the destruction of the army of Sennacherib on that fatal night when the angel of the Lord killed 185,000 men (see the note at Isaiah 3... [ Continue Reading ]

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