It is probable that the prophecy in this chapter was delivered about
the same time as that in the previous chapter, and on the same general
occasion. It is evident that it refers to the time of Hezekiah, when
the Jews were alarmed by an apprehended invasion of the king of
Assyria. Hezekiah had revol... [ Continue Reading ]
WO, - (see the note at Isaiah 18:1).
TO THE REBELLIOUS CHILDREN - To those whom he had nourished as
children, and who had rebelled against him (see the note at Isaiah
THAT TAKE COUNSEL, BUT NOT OF ME - They look to Egypt, and depend on a
human arm.
AND THAT COVER WITH A COVERING - The idea... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT WALK TO GO DOWN TO EGYPT - Hebrew, ‘Going in the descent to
Egypt.’ That is, they do it by their ambassadors Isaiah 30:4. The
journey to Egypt from Palestine is always represented as going down
Genesis 12:10; Genesis 42:3; Genesis 43:15; Numbers 20:15; Deuteronomy
TO STRENGTHEN THEMSELVE... [ Continue Reading ]
at Isaiah 20:5).
YOUR CONFUSION - Hebrew, ‘For reproach.’ It would either occur
that the Egyptians “would” not enter into an alliance; or that if
they did, they “could” not defend them, and in either case it
would be the source o... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HIS PRINCES - The sense of this verse seems to be this. The
prophet is stating the fact that the Jews would be ashamed of their
attempted alliance with Egypt. In this verse, and the following, he
states the manner in which they would be made sensible of their folly
in seeking this alliance. He t... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY WERE ALL ASHAMED - That is, all the legates or ambassadors. When
they came into Egypt, they found them either unwilling to enter into
an alliance, or unable to render them any aid, and they were ashamed
that they had sought their assistance rather than depend on God
(compare Jeremiah 2:36).... [ Continue Reading ]
refers doubtless to the country to the south of Judea; and
particularly to Egypt. Thus it is used in Daniel 11:5. The phrase
‘beasts of the south,’ here refers to the animals that were
traveling to Egypt. Isaiah, in vision, sees the carav... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE EGYPTIANS SHALL HELP IN VAIN - That is, if they enter into the
alliance, they shall not be able to defend you from the invader. The
other member of the sentence would seem to imply that they would make
promises of aid, and would even boast of being able to deliver them,
but that they would f... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW GO - This is a direction to the prophet to make a permanent record
of the character of the Jewish people. The fact to be recorded was,
that they were rebellious Isaiah 30:9; the design for which the record
was to be made was to show to future times that this had been the
uniform character of the... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT THIS IS A REBELLIOUS PEOPLE - (see the note at Isaiah 1:2).
LYING CHILDREN - They had promised in solemn covenant to take Yahweh
as their God, but they had been unfaithful to their vows.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH SAY TO THE SEERS - The prophets (see the note at Isaiah 1:1).
SEE NOT - They desire not that they should communicate to them the
will of Yahweh.
PROPHESY NOT UNTO US RIGHT THINGS - It is not probable that they
“openly” demanded of the prophets that they should declare
falsehood and deceit, b... [ Continue Reading ]
GET YE OUT OF THE WAY - Or, rather, ‘Recede from the way;’ or
‘Turn aside from the way.’ The words “way” and “path” are
used to denote the true religion, or the true doctrines of God Matthew
7:14; Matthew 22:16; John 14:4; Acts 18:26; Acts 19:9, Acts 19:23; 2
Peter 2:15. The request here was that th... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE THUS SAITH THE HOLY ONE - Yahweh. There may be some
reference here to the fact adverted to in Isaiah 30:11, that they were
weary of the name of the Holy One of Israel, and of the perpetual
reiteration of his commands. Isaiah, as if to show them how little he
was disposed to comply with the... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREFORE THIS INIQUITY - That is, this refusing to trust in Yahweh,
and this intention to seek the alliance of Egypt. The general sense of
the figure here is, that their depending on Egypt would involve them
ultimately in complete and awful ruin - ruin that should come upon
them as suddenly as when... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HE SHALL BREAK IT AS THE BREAKING - That is, its breaking shall be
like the breaking of a potter’s vessel. The Septuagint reads it,
‘And its fall (τὸ πτῶμα _to_ _ptōma_) shall be like the
breaking of an earthen vessel,’
AS THE BREAKING OF THE POTTER’S VESSEL - That is, as an earthen,
fragile... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD - The design of this verse is to give a
reason for the destruction that should come upon them. That reason
was, that God had indicated to them the path of truth and safety, but
they chose not to follow it, and refused to put confidence in him.
IN RETURNING - In returning... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT YE SAID, NO - Ye who proposed an alliance with Egypt.
FOR WE WILL FLEE UPON HORSES - The word ‘flee’ (נוּס _nûc_),
usually signifies to flee before or from any person or thing. But here
it seems to have the notion of making a rapid motion in general, and
not to refer to the fact that they expec... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE THOUSAND ... - The sense of this is, that you shall be easily
alarmed and overcome by those who are inferior in numbers and
strength. The number ‘one thousand,’ is put for a large indefinite
number; probably meaning all.
AT THE REBUKE OF ONE - The number one here is put to denote a very
small n... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THEREFORE - The sense of the words rendered ‘and therefore,’
may be better expressed by the phrase, ‘yet moreover,’ meaning,
that notwithstanding their sins, and the necessity of punishing them,
Yahweh would be longsuffering, and would yet bring the nation to
AND THEREFORE WILL HE BE... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE PEOPLE SHALL DWELL IN ZION - (see the note at Isaiah 1:8). The
language here is evidently adapted to a return from the captivity. The
whole design of the passage Isaiah 30:19 is to describe a future state
of prosperity by images mainly drawn from the idea of temporal
enjoyment. The sense is,... [ Continue Reading ]
is eaten in a time of calamity; that is, he would bring upon them sore
distress and want.
THE WATER OF AFFLICTION - Margin, ‘Oppression.’ That is, water
drank in times of affliction and oppression, or in the long and weary
days of... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THINE EARS SHALL HEAR A WORD - A command or admonition. You shall
not be left without spiritual guides and directors.
BEHIND THEE - That is, says Vitringa, the voice of conscience, as an
“invisible” guide, shall admonish you. The idea, however, seems to
be that if they were ignorant of the way,... [ Continue Reading ]
YE SHALL DEFILE ALSO - That is, you shall regard them as polluted and
abominable. This is language which is often used respecting their
treatment of the images and altars of idolatry when they became
objects of abomination, and when they were induced to abandon them
(see 2 Kings 23:8, 2 Kings 23:10,... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN SHALL HE GIVE THE RAIN OF THY SEED - That is, he shall send rain
on the seed which is sown. You will be allowed to cultivate the soil
without molestation, and God will give you fruitful seasons and
abundant harvests. This is a poetic description of a happy or golden
age, when there would be pea... [ Continue Reading ]
‘cultivating the ground,’ that is, plowing it. The Old English
word “ear” (from the Latin _aro_) meant to till, to cultivate. The
word is now obselete, but this is the sense which it has in the Bible
Genesis 45:6; Exodus 34:21; Deu 21:4... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE DAY OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER - When the enemies of the people of
God shall have been destroyed - probably in a time subsequent to the
slaughter of the army of the Assyrians.
WHEN THE TOWERS FALL - The towers of the enemy; perhaps referring here
to the towers of Babylon. After they should fall,... [ Continue Reading ]
MOREOVER - In addition to all the blessings which are enumerated
THE LIGHT OF THE MOON - Light is in the Scriptures an emblem of
purity, intelligence, happiness, prosperity; as darkness is an emblem
of ignorance, calamity, and sin. This figure is often used by the
poets. Thus Horace:
_Soles... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD, THE NAME OF THE LORD COMETH - (compare the notes at Isaiah
19:1). The verses following, to the end of the chapter, are designed
evidently to describe the destruction of the army of Sennacherib. This
is expressly declared in Isaiah 30:31, and all the circumstances in
the prediction accord wit... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HIS BREATH - The word רוח _rûach_ properly means “wind,”
air in motion; then a breathing, an exhalation, a breath; then the
soul, spirit, etc. The idea here seems to be that of excited, and
rapid, and agitated breathing, as when one is in anger (compare Judges
8:3; Zechariah 6:8).
AS AN OVERFLO... [ Continue Reading ]
YE SHALL HAVE A SONG - That is, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem shall
rejoice when the army of the Assyrian is destroyed.
here (חג _châg_) denotes a festival, or feast; and refers, by way
of eminence, to the Passover, which is usually des... [ Continue Reading ]
would give command to destroy them. They could not fail to recognize
his voice, and to feel that it was accomplished by him.
THE LIGHTING DOWN OF HIS ARM - The descent of his arm - alluding to
the act of striking, as with a sword... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THROUGH THE VOICE OF THE - Lord By the command of the Lord; that
is, his voice going forth in the manner specified in Isaiah 30:30.
WHICH SMOTE WITH A ROD - Who was accustomed to smite as with a rod;
that is, his government was tyrannical and severe. As he had been
accustomed to smite in that m... [ Continue Reading ]
AND IN EVERY PLACE - Margin, ‘Every passing of the rod founded.’
Lowth renders it, ‘Whenever shall pass the rod of correction.’ The
whole design of the passage is evidently to foretell the sudden
destruction of the army of the Assyrians, and to show that this would
be accomplished by the agency of G... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR TOPHET - The same idea is conveyed in this verse as in the
preceding, but under another form, and with a new illustration. The
sense is, that the army of the Assyrians would be completely
destroyed, as if it were a large pile of wood in the valley of Hinnom
that should be fired by the breath of... [ Continue Reading ]