I KNOW IT IS SO OF A TRUTH - Job here refers, undoubtedly, to
something that had been said before; but whether it is to the general
strain of remark, or to some particular expression, may be doubted.
Rosenmuller supposes that he refers to what was said by Eliphaz in Job
4:17; but it seems more proba... [ Continue Reading ]
IF HE WILL CONTEND WITH HIM - That is, if God enters into a
controversy with man. If he chooses to charge crime on him, and to
hold him responsible for his deeds. The language here is taken from
courts of justice, and means that if a trial were instituted, where
God should submit charges, and the ma... [ Continue Reading ]
HE IS WISE IN HEART - Herder renders this,
Even the wise and the powerful,
Who hath withstood him and prospered?
But the more common interpretation is to refer it to God. The meaning
of Job appears to be, that God was a sagacious adversary; that he was
able to manage his cause; that he could meet... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH REMOVETH THE MOUNTAINS - In order to show how vain it was to
contend with God, Job refers to some exhibitions of his power and
greatness. The “removal of the mountains” here denotes the changes
which occur in earthquakes and other violent convulsions of nature.
This illustration of the power o... [ Continue Reading ]
violent convulsions of nature, as if the earth were to be taken away.
Objects on the earth’s surface become displaced, and convulsion
seems to seize the world. The Septuagint renders this, “who shaketh
that which is under the heaven... [ Continue Reading ]
all this is a description of the deluge - when the mountains were
removed, when the fountains of the deep were broken up, and when the
sun was obscured and seemed not to rise. Others have supposed that it
refers to the fact that t... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH ALONE SPREADETH OUT THE HEAVENS - As an expanse, or a curtain;
see the notes at Isaiah 40:22.
is in the Hebrew. It means the “high waves;” that is, he walks
upon the waves of the ocean when lifted up by a storm. This is spoken
o... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH MAKETH ARCTURUS - This verse, with others of the same
description in the book of Job, is of special importance, as they
furnish an illustration of the views which prevailed among the
patriarchs on the subject of astronomy. There are frequent references
to the sciences in this book (see the Int... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH DOETH GREAT THINGS - This is almost the sentiment which had been
expressed by Eliphaz; see the notes, Job 5:9. It was evidently a
proverb, and as such was used by both Eliphaz and Job.... [ Continue Reading ]
LO, HE GOETH BY ME - That is, he passes along - as in the silent
movements of the heavenly bodies. “I see the evidence of his
existence. I can see that God must be there - moving along by me in
the orbs of night and in the march of the constellations, but I cannot
see God himself. He passes by, or r... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD, HE TAKETH AWAY - Property, friends, or life.
WHO CAN HINDER HIM? - Margin, turn him away. Or, rather, “who shall
cause him to restore?” that is, who can bring back what he takes
away? He is so mighty, that what he removes, it is impossible for us
to recover.
WHO WILL SAY UNTO HIM, WHAT DOES... [ Continue Reading ]
IF GOD WILL NOT WITHDRAW HIS ANGER - That is, if he perseveres in
inflicting punishment. He will not turn aside his displeasure by any
opposition or resistance made to him.
THE PROUD HELPERS - Margin, Helpers of pride, or, strength. Jerome
renders this, “under whom they who bear up the world bow dow... [ Continue Reading ]
HOW MUCH LESS SHALL I ANSWER HIM? - I, who am so feeble, how can I
contend with him? If the most mighty objects in the universe are under
his control; if the constellations are directed by him; if the earth
is shaken, and mountains moved from their places, by his power, and if
the men of most exalte... [ Continue Reading ]
WHOM, THOUGH I WERE RIGHTEOUS - That is, if I felt the utmost
confidence that I was righteous, yet, if God judged otherwise, and
regarded me as a sinner, I would not reply to him, but would make
supplication to him as a sinner. I would have so much confidence in
him, and would feel that he was so mu... [ Continue Reading ]
IF I HAD CALLED, AND HE HAD ANSWERED ME - It is remarked by Schultens,
that the expressions in these verses are all taken from courts of
justice. If so, the meaning is, that even if Job should call the
Almighty to a judicial action, and he should respond to him, and
consent to submit the great quest... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HE BREAKETH ME - He is overwhelming me with a tempest; that is,
with the storms of wrath. He shows me no mercy. The idea seems to be,
that God acted toward him not as a judge determining matters by rule
of law, but as a sovereign - determining them by his own will. If it
were a matter of law; if... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WILL NOT SUFFER ME TO TAKE MY BREATH; - see the notes at Job 7:19.... [ Continue Reading ]
considerable variety in the interpretation of this passage. The
meaning seems to be this. It refers to a judicial contest, and Job is
speaking of the effect if he and God were to come to a trial, and the
cause were to be settled before judg... [ Continue Reading ]
referring still to the form of a judicial trial, if I should undertake
to manage my own cause, I should lay myself open to condemnation even
in my argument on the subject, and should show that I was far from the
perfection which I had u... [ Continue Reading ]
THOUGH I WERE PERFECT - The same mode of expression occurs here again.
“I perfect! I would not know it, or recognize it. If this were my
view, and God judged otherwise, I would seem to be ignorant of it. I
would not mention it.”
YET WOULD I NOT KNOW MY SOUL - Or, “I could not know my soul. If I
shou... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS IS ONE THING, THEREFORE I SAID IT - This may mean, “it is all
the same thing. It makes no difference whether a man be righteous or
wicked. God treats them substantially alike; he has one and the same
rule on the subject. Nothing can be argued certainly about the
character of a man from the divi... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THE SCOURGE SLAY SUDDENLY - If calamity comes in a sudden and
unexpected manner. Dr. Good, following Reiske, translates this,” if
he suddenly slay the oppressor,” understanding the word scourge
שׁוט _shôṭ_ as meaning an oppressor, or one whom God employs
as a scourge of nations. But this is con... [ Continue Reading ]
designed as an illustration of the sentiment that Job was maintaining
- that there was not a distribution of rewards and punishments in this
life according to character. In illustration of this, he says that the
wicked are raised to... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW MY DAYS ARE SWIFTER THAN A POST - Than a courier, runner, or
racer, רוּץ _rûts_. Vulgate, _cursore_; Septuagint,
δρομέως _dromeōs_, a racer. The word is not unfrequently
applied to the runners or couriers, that carried royal commands in
ancient times. It is applied to the mounted couriers of... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY ARE PASSED AWAY AS THE SWIFT SHIPS - Margin, Ships of desire; or
ships of Ebeh. Hebrew אבה אניה _'onı̂yâh_ _'êbeh_.
Vulgate, _Naves poma portantes_. Septuagint, “Is there any track
left by ships in their passage?” The Chaldee renders it as the
Vulgate, “Ships bearing good fruit;” that is, as... [ Continue Reading ]
IF I SAY, I WILL FORGET MY COMPLAINT - If I resolve that I will leave
off complaining, and will be more cheerful, I find it all in vain. My
fears and sorrows return, and all my efforts to be cheerful are
I WILL LEAVE OFF MY HEAVINESS - The word rendered “my heaviness”
here (פני _pânam_... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM AFRAID OF ALL MY SORROWS - My fears return. I dread the
continuance of my griefs, and cannot close my eye to them.
THOU WILT NOT HOLD ME INNOCENT - God will not remove my sorrows so as
to furnish the evidence that I am innocent. My sufferings continue,
and with them continue all the evidence o... [ Continue Reading ]
IF I BE WICKED, WHY THEN LABOUR I IN VAIN? - The word “if,” here
introduced by our translators, greatly obscures the sense. The meaning
evidently is, “I am held to be guilty, and cannot answer to that
charge. God regards me as such, and if I should attempt to meet him on
the charge, it would be a va... [ Continue Reading ]
IF I WASH MYSELF WITH SNOW WATER - If I should make myself as pure as
possible, and should become, in my view, perfectly holy. Snow water,
it seems, was regarded as especially pure. The whiteness of snow
itself perhaps suggested the idea that the water of melted snow was
better than other for purifi... [ Continue Reading ]
YET SHALT THOU PLUNGE ME IN THE DITCH - God would treat me as if he
should throw me into the gutter, and as if I were wholly defiled and
polluted. The meaning is, God would not admit the proofs which I
should adduce of my innocence, but would overwhelm me with the
demonstrations of my guilt. I doubt... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HE IS NOT A MAN AS I AM - He is infinitely superior to me in
majesty and power. The idea is, that the contest would be unequal, and
that he might as well surrender without bringing the matter to an
issue. It is evident that the disposition of Job to yield, was rather
because he saw that God was... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER IS THERE ANY DAYSMAN - Margin, One that should argue, or,
umpire. The word daysman in English means ” “an umpire or arbiter,
a mediator.” Webster. Why such a man is called a daysman I do not
know. The Hebrew word rendered “daysman” מוכיח
_môkı̂yach_ is from יכח _yâkach_, not used in the Qa... [ Continue Reading ]
LET HIM TAKE HIS ROD AWAY FROM ME - Let him suspend my sufferings, and
let us come together on equal terms. His terror now is upon me, and I
can do nothing. I am oppressed, and broken down, and crushed under his
hand, and I could not hope to maintain my cause with any degree of
success. If my suffer... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN WOULD I SPEAK, AND NOT FEAR HIM - I should then be able to
maintain my cause on equal terms, and with equal advantages.
BUT IT IS NOT SO WITH ME - Margin, I am not so with myself. Noyes,
“I am not so at heart.” Good, “but not thus could I in my
present state.” Literally, “for not thus I with my... [ Continue Reading ]