John 3:1

A MAN OF THE PHARISEES - A Pharisee. See the notes at Matthew 3:7. NICODEMUS, A RULER OF THE JEWS - One of the “Sanhedrin,” or great council of the nation. He is twice mentioned after this as being friendly to our Saviour; in the first instance as advocating his cause, and defending him against the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:2

THE SAME CAME TO JESUS - The design of his coming seems to have been to inquire more fully of Jesus what was the doctrine which he came to teach. He seems to have been convinced that he was the Messiah, and desired to be further instructed in private respecting his doctrine, It was not usual for a m... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:3

VERILY, VERILY - An expression of strong affirmation, denoting the certainty and the importance of what he was about to say. Jesus proceeds to state one of the fundamental and indispensable doctrines of his religion. It may seem remarkable that he should introduce this subject in this manner; but it... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:4

HOW CAN A MAN ... - It may seem remarkable that Nicodemus understood the Saviour literally, when the expression “to be born again” was in common use among the Jews to denote a change from “Gentilism” to “Judaism” by becoming a proselyte by baptism. The word with them meant a change from the state of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:5

BE BORN OF WATER - By “water,” here, is evidently signified “baptism.” Thus the word is used in Ephesians 5:26; Titus 3:5. Baptism was practiced by the Jews in receiving a Gentile as a proselyte. It was practiced by John among the Jews; and Jesus here says that it is an ordinance of his religion, an... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:6

THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE FLESH - To show the necessity of this change, the Saviour directs the attention of Nicodemus to the natural condition of man. By “that which is born of the flesh” he evidently intends man as he is by nature, in the circumstances of his natural birth. Perhaps, also, he allud... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:7

MARVEL NOT - Wonder not. It is possible that Nicodemus in some way still expressed a doubt of the doctrine, and Jesus took occasion in a very striking manner to illustrate it.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:8

THE WIND BLOWETH ... - Nicodemus had objected to the doctrine because he did not understand how it could be. Jesus shows him that he ought not to reject it on that account, for he constantly believed things quite as difficult. It might appear incomprehensible, but it was to be judged of by its effec... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:9

HOW CAN THESE THINGS BE? - Nicodemus was still unwilling to admit the doctrine unless he understood it; and we have here an instance of a man of rank stumbling at one of the plainest doctrines of religion, and unwilling to admit a truth because he could not understand “how” it could be, when he dail... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:10

A MASTER OF ISRAEL - A “teacher” of Israel; the same word that in the second verse is translated “teacher.” As such a teacher he ought to have understood this doctrine. It was not new,” but was clearly taught in the Old Testament. See particularly Psalms 51:10, Psalms 51:16; Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 3... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:11

WE SPEAK - Jesus here speaks in the plural number, including himself and those engaged with him in preaching the gospel. Nicodemus had said John 3:2, “we know that thou art,” etc., including himself and those with whom he acted. Jesus in reply said, we, who are engaged in spreading the new doctrines... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:12

IF I HAVE TOLD YOU EARTHLY THINGS - Things which occur on earth. Not sensual or worldly things, for Jesus had said nothing of these; but he had told him of operations of the Spirit which had occurred “on earth,” whose effects were visible, and which “might” be, therefore, believed. These were the pl... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:13

AND NO MAN HATH ASCENDED INTO HEAVENS - No man, therefore, is qualified to speak of heavenly things, John 3:12. To speak of those things requires intimate acquaintance with them - demands that we have seen them; and as no one has ascended into heaven and returned, so no one is qualified to speak of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:14

AND AS MOSES - Jesus proceeds in this and the following verses to state the reason why he came into the world and, in order to this, he illustrates His design, and the efficacy of his coming, by a reference to the case of the brass serpent, recorded in Numbers 21:8. The people were bitten by flying... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:15

THAT WHOSOEVER - This shows the fulness and freeness of the gospel. All may come and be saved.BELIEVETH IN HIM - Whosoever puts confidence in him as able and willing to save. All who feel that they are sinners, that they have no righteousness of their own, and are willing to look to him as their onl... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:16

FOR GOD SO LOVED - This does not mean that God approved the conduct of men, but that he had benevolent feelings toward them, or was “earnestly desirous” of their happiness. God hates wickedness, but he still desires the Happiness of those who are sinful. “He hates the sin, but loves the sinner.” A p... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:17

TO CONDEMN THE WORLD - Not to judge, or pronounce sentence on mankind. God might justly have sent him for this. Man deserved condemnation, and it would have been right to have pronounced it; but God was willing that there should be an offer of pardon, and the sentence of condemnation was delayed. Bu... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:18

HE THAT BELIEVETH - He that has confidence in him; that relies on him; that trusts to his merits and promises for salvation. To believe on him is to feel and act according to truth that is, to go as lost sinners, and act toward him as a Saviour from sins; relying on him, and looking to him “only” fo... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:19

THIS IS THE CONDEMNATION - This is the cause of condemnation; or this is the reason why men are punished. THAT LIGHT IS COME - Light often denotes instruction, teaching, doctrine, as that by which we see clearly the path of duty. all the instruction that God gives us by conscience, reason, or revela... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:20

THAT DOETH EVIL - Every wicked person. HATETH THE LIGHT - This is true of all wicked men. They choose to practice their deeds of wickedness in darkness. They are afraid of the light, because they could be easily detected. Hence, most crimes are committed in the night. So with the sinner against God... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:21

ARE THAT DOETH TRUTH - He who does right, or he that obeys the truth. Truth here is opposed to error and to evil. The sinner acts from falsehood and error. The good man acts according to truth. The sinner believes a lie - that God will not punish, or that there is no God, or that there is no eternit... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:22

LAND OF JUDEA - The region round about Jerusalem. AND BAPTIZED - Jesus did not Himself administer the ordinance of baptism, but his disciples did it by his direction and authority, John 4:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:23

IN ENON - The word “Enon,” or “Aenon,” means “a fountain,” and was doubtless given to this place because of the fountains there. On the situation of the place nothing certain has been determined. Eusebius places it eight Roman miles south of Scythopolis or Bethshan, and 53 miles northeast of Jerusal... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:24

FOR JOHN WAS NOT YET CAST INTO PRISON - See Luke 3:20. The mention of this shows that John was not imprisoned until some time after our Lord entered on his ministry. The design of John was to call men to repentance, and to prepare them for the Messiah, and this he continued to do after our Saviour c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:25

A QUESTION - Rather a controversy a dispute. JOHN’S DISCIPLES - Those who had been baptized by him, and who attached great efficacy and importance to the teaching of their master. Compare the notes at Acts 19:1. AND THE JEWS - Many manuscripts, some of the fathers, and the ancient Syriac version r... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:26

CAME UNTO JOHN - Came to him with their complaint; envious and jealous at the success of Jesus, and evidently irritated from the discussion, as if their master was about to lose his popularity. RABBI - Master. See the notes at Matthew 23:7. Acknowledging him as their master and teacher. THAT WAS W... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:27

JOHN ANSWERED ... - John did not enter into their feelings or sympathize with their love of party. He came to honor Jesus, not to build up a sect, He rejoiced at the success of the Messiah, and began to teach them to rejoice in it also. A MAN CAN RECEIVE NOTHING ... - All success is from heaven. Al... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:28

BEAR ME WITNESS - You remember that at first I told you I was not the Messiah. As he had been “witness” to Jesus - as he came for no other end but to point him out to the Jews, they ought not to suppose that he was his superior. It was but reasonable to expect that Christ himself would be more succe... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:29

HE THAT HATH THE BRIDE ... - This is an illustration drawn from marriage. The bride belongs to her husband. So the church, the bride of the Messiah, belongs to him. It is to be expected, therefore, and desireD, that the people should flock to him. BUT THE FRIEND OF THE BRIDEGROOM - He whose office... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:30

HE MUST INCREASE - his authority and influence among the people must grow. his doctrine shall continue to spread until it extends through all the earth. I MUST DECREASE - “The purpose of my ministry is to point men to him. When that is done my work is done. I came not to form a party of my own, nor... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:31

HE THAT COMETH FROM ABOVE - The Messiah, represented as coming down from heaven. See John 3:13; John 6:33; John 8:23. It has been doubted whether the remainder of this chapter contains the words of “John the Baptist” or of “the evangelist.” The former is the more probable opinion, but it is difficul... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:32

AND WHAT HE HATH SEEN ... - See John 3:11. NO MAN RECEIVETH HIS TESTIMONY - The words “no man” are here to be understood in the sense of “few.” Though his doctrine is pure, plain, sublime, yet “few,” comparatively, received it in faith. Though multitudes came to him, drawn by various motives John 6... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:33

HE THAT HATH RECEIVED HIS TESTIMONY - Hath received and fully believed his doctrine. Hath yielded his heart to its influence. HATH SET TO HIS SEAL - To “seal” an instrument is to make it sure; to acknowledge it as ours; to pledge our varacity that it is true and binding, as when a man seals a bond,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:34

WHOM GOD HATH SENT - The Messiah. SPEAKETH THE WORDS OF GOD - The truth, or commands of God. FOR GOD GIVETH NOT THE SPIRIT - The Spirit of God. Though Jesus was God as well as man, yet, as Mediator, God anointed him, or endowed him with the influences of his Spirit, so as to be completely qualifie... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:35

LOVETH THE SON - Loves him eminently, above all the prophets and all the other messengers of God. HATH GIVEN ALL THINGS INTO HIS HAND - See the notes at Matthew 28:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:36

HATH EVERLASTING LIFE - Has or is in possession of that which is a recovery from spiritual death, and which will result in eternal life in heaven. Piety here is the same that it will be there, except that it will be expanded, matured, purified, made more glorious. It is here life begun the first bre... [ Continue Reading ]

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