JABIN - Probably the hereditary and official title of the kings of
Hazor (see Judges 4:2). The word means literally “he shall
understand,” and is equivalent to “the wise” or
HAZOR - This name, which means “enclosed or “fortified,”
belonged also to two other towns in the south of Judah... [ Continue Reading ]
ON THE NORTH OF THE MOUNTAINS - Rather, “northward in the
mountains.” The reference is to the mountain district of Galilee,
called Joshua 20:7 “mount Naphtali.”
ON THE PLAINS SOUTH OF CHINNEROTH - literally, “in the Arabah south
of Chinneroth.” The words describe the northern portion of the
“Arabah... [ Continue Reading ]
HERMON - See Deuteronomy 3:9 note.
THE LAND OF MIZPEH - or Mizpah,” the land of the watch-tower” The
locality is probably identified as a plain stretching at the foot of
Hermon southwestward, from Hasbeya, toward the Bahr el Huleh. In a
land abounding in striking points of view like Palestine, the n... [ Continue Reading ]
WATERS OF MEROM - i. e. “the upper waters,” the modern Bahr el
Huleh, the lake Semechonitis, or Samochonitis of Josephus. This lake
occupies the southern half of the Ard el Huleh, a depressed basin some
15 miles long and 3 or 4 miles wide lying between the hills of Galilee
on the west and the lower... [ Continue Reading ]
HOUGH THEIR HORSES - i. e. cut the sinews of the hinder hoofs. This
sinew once severed cannot be healed, and the horses would thus be
irreparably lamed. This is the first appearance of horses in the wars
with the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 17:16 and note).... [ Continue Reading ]
SUDDENLY - As before, at Gibeon Joshua 10:9, so now Joshua anticipates
his enemies. Taken by surprise, and hemmed in between the mountains
and the lake, the chariots and horses would have no time to deploy and
no room to act effectively; and thus, in all probability, the unwieldy
host of the Canaani... [ Continue Reading ]
One portion of the defeated host fled north-westward toward Zidon; the
other northeastward up the Ard el Huleh.
Zidon, as the metropolis of various subject towns and territories,
appears Joshua 19:28 to have been afterward assigned to Asher, but was
not, in fact, conquered by that tribe Judges 1:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
Render: “But the cities standing each on its own hill” (compare
Jeremiah 30:18). The meaning is simply that, with the exception of
Hazor, Joshua did not burn the cities, but left them standing, each on
its former site. This site is spoken of as a hill, because such was
the ordinary site chosen for c... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MOUNT HALAK - See the margin and reference. The name serves to
mark the southern limit of Joshua’s conquests. It suits equally well
several of the ranges near the south border of Palestine, and it is
uncertain which of them is the one here indicated.
Baal-gad Joshua 12:7; Joshua 13:5 is probably... [ Continue Reading ]
A LONG TIME - At least five years; according to others, seven years
(see Joshua 14:10, and Introduction). This and the preceding chapter
contain a very condensed account of the wars of Joshua, giving
particulars about leading events only.... [ Continue Reading ]
See the marginal references.... [ Continue Reading ]
AT THAT TIME - i. e. in course of the “long time” mentioned in
Joshua 11:18.
THE ANAKIMS - See Numbers 13:22. As it was the report of the spies
respecting the Anakims which, above all, struck terror into the
Israelites in the wilderness, and caused their faithless complaining
and revolt, so the sac... [ Continue Reading ]
GAZA, GATH, ASHDOD - See the Joshua 13:3 note.... [ Continue Reading ]
These words import that Joshua had overcome all overt resistance.
There were, however, many districts by no means thoroughly and finally
subdued Joshua 13:1.... [ Continue Reading ]