Deborah, as “a prophetess,” both composed and sang this noble ode,
which, for poetic spirit and lyric fire, is not surpassed by any of
the sacred songs in the Bible. And, as Miriam took up the first verse
of the song of Moses Exodus 15:21, and sang it as an antiphony, so
Barak, with the chorus of me... [ Continue Reading ]
Render “For the leading of the leaders in Israel (the princes), for
the willingness of the people (to follow them) bless ye the Lord.”
See Deuteronomy 32:42 note, and compare Judges 5:9 and Judges 5:13,
where the nobles and the people are again contrasted.... [ Continue Reading ]
Compare Psalms 68:7, and Habakkuk 3:3. The three passages relate to
the same events, and mutually explain each other. The subject of them
is the triumphant march of Israel, with the Lord at their head, to
take possession of Canaan, and the overthrow of Sihon, Og, and the
Midianites. This march comme... [ Continue Reading ]
Words dcscriptive of a state of weakness and fear, so that Israel
could not frequent the highways. It is a graphic description of a
country occupied by an enemy.... [ Continue Reading ]
Render the word “villages” (here and in Judges 5:11) judgment,
rule, or judges, rulers. The sense is “The princes (or magistrates)
ceased in Israel,” i. e. there was no one to do justice in the gate,
or defend men from their oppressors.... [ Continue Reading ]
The “war in the gates” describes the hostile attacks of the
Canaanites, which were the punishment of the idolatry of the
Israelites (compare the marginal references), and the reduction of
Israel to an unarmed and unresisting state under the Philistine
dominion. See Judges 3:31 note.... [ Continue Reading ]
MY HEART ... - In this deplorable weakness of Israel how noble was the
conduct of the governors who volunteered to lead the people against
their oppressors. Deborah’s heart was filled with admiration as she
thought of their patriotic devotion, and broke out into thanksgiving
to Yahweh.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE THAT RIDE ON WHITE DONKEYS ... - i. e. nobles or magistrates.
Deborah appeals to the classes mentioned in Judges 5:6, to bear
witness to the happy change that had followed the overthrow of Jabin.
THAT SIT IN JUDGMENT - Rather “that sit on saddles, or
horse-cloths,” a further description of those... [ Continue Reading ]
The sense of the King James Version is that, whereas formerly they
could not go in safety to draw water from their wells, but were shot
at by the archers of the enemy, now they were delivered from such
tumults; and standing round the wells in security rehearsed the
righteous acts of the Lord in deli... [ Continue Reading ]
Deborah incites Barak to carry off as his prey the captive Canaanites
and their sheep and cattle (their “captivity”).... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse is otherwise rendered: “then a remnant of the nobles came
down; the people of the Lord came down for me against the mighty.”
The following verses mention in detail who this “remnant” were.... [ Continue Reading ]
Render “Of Ephraim (Deborah’s own tribe) came down those whose
root is in Mount Amalek Judges 12:15; after thee (O Ephraim) came
Benjamin among thy people; of Machir (the west-Jordanic milies of
Manasseh. See Joshua 17:1) there came down the chiefs, and of Zebulon
they that handle the staff of the o... [ Continue Reading ]
EVEN ISSACHAR ... - i. e. “and, as well as Issachar, Barak also with
the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali, rushed down on foot from Mount
Tabor into the valley to attack the iron chariots of Sisera.”
FOR THE DIVISIONS - Better: “among the brooks.” Reuben ought to
have followed in this catalogue of pa... [ Continue Reading ]
GREAT SEARCHINGS - (thoughts, Judges 5:15) of heart Deborah means to
say that at first the Reubenites made magnanimous resolutions to help
their brethren against Jabin. But they stayed at home, and let the
opportunity slip.... [ Continue Reading ]
The land of Gilead, on the east of Jordan, was divided between Gad and
the half tribe of Manasseh, who are both comprehended here. Joppa was
in the territory of Dan Joshua 19:46, and was in later times the
sea-port for Jerusalem.
HIS BREACHES - Rather havens; i. e. the creeks and bays and
river-mon... [ Continue Reading ]
In contrast with the selfishness of the tribes just named, Deborah
reverts with enthusiasm to the heroic prowess of Zebulun and Naphtali.... [ Continue Reading ]
The Canaanite hosts are now described, led to battle by their numerous
kings. (Compare Joshua 12:21.)
THEY TOOK NO GAIN OF MONEY - i. e. either they got no booty, as they
expected, or, they did not fight for plunder, but for life and victory
(compare Judges 4:16 and Judges 5:30).... [ Continue Reading ]
God fought on the side of Israel, and gave them the victory. Josephus
relates that, just as the battle began, a violent tempest came on with
a great downfall of rain; and a hailstorm, which, driving full in the
faces of the Canaanites, so blinded and benumbed them with cold, that
they could neither... [ Continue Reading ]
The word translated ancient occurs only here. The phrase probably
means that Kishon was celebrated from ancient times on account of the
battles fought on its banks.... [ Continue Reading ]
Probably an allusion to the frantic efforts of the chariot-horses to
disengage themselves from the morass (Judges 4:15 note).
MIGHTY ONES - Applied to bulls Psalms 22:12 and horses Jeremiah 8:16;
Jeremiah 47:3; Jeremiah 50:11; elsewhere, as probably here, to men.... [ Continue Reading ]
The inhabitants of Meroz (a village 12 miles from Samaria) hung back,
and gave no help in the day of battle, although it was Yahweh who
called them. Hence, the curse pronounced by the Angel of the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
The blessing here pronounced is in strong contrast with the curse of
Meroz. Deborah speaks of Jael’s deed by the light of her own age,
which did not make manifest the evil of guile and bloodshed; the light
in ours does.... [ Continue Reading ]
BUTTER - Rather curdled milk, probably a fermented and intoxicating
drink. All these marks of respect and friendship would lull Sisera
into security.... [ Continue Reading ]
Rather “she smote his head, and she struck and pierced through his
temple.”... [ Continue Reading ]
The scene is changed to the palace of Sisera.... [ Continue Reading ]
Render the latter part of the verse “a booty of dyed garments for
Sisera, a booty of dyed garments and of party-colored cloth, a dyed
garment and two party-colored clothes for the necks of the booty,”
the spoil or booty being either captive damsels, or captive cattle on
whose necks these clothes are... [ Continue Reading ]
A most striking conclusion, in which the spiritual truth, which the
whole narrative is intended to convey, comes out. The enemies of the
Lord will perish like the host of Sisera, and all their hopes will
end, like those of Sisera’s mother, in bitter disappointment and
shame; but all that love our Lo... [ Continue Reading ]