Harmony of the Accounts of the Resurrection, Appearances, and
Ascension of Christ
As much difficulty has been felt in reconciling the accounts of the
different evangelists respecting the resurrection of Christ, and as
infidels have maintained that they are utterly irreconcilable... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE END OF THE SABBATH - The word “end” here means the same as
“after” the Sabbath - that is, after the Sabbath was fully
completed or finished, and may be expressed in this manner: “In the
night following the Sabbath, for the Sabbath closed at sunset, as it
began to dawn,” etc.
AS IT BEGAN TO DA... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE WAS A GREAT EARTHQUAKE - Rather there “had been.” It does
not mean that this was while they were there, or while they were
going, but that there “had been” so violent a commotion as to
remove the stone. The word rendered here as “earthquake” does not
of necessity mean that the convulsion exten... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS COUNTENANCE - In our language the word “countenance” refers to
the “face only;” in the original it refers to his “whole
person.” His “general aspect, or the appearance of the angel
himself,” was, etc.
LIKE LIGHTNING - Peculiarly bright and shining.
HIS RAIMENT WHITE AS SNOW - Celestial beings a... [ Continue Reading ]
THE KEEPERS DID SHAKE - It was night. The appearance was sudden and
unexpected, and to them terrific. The stone was probably suddenly
removed. At the noise, the light, the suddenness of the appearance,
they were affrighted.
AND BECAME AS DEAD MEN - Probably by terror they fainted, or were
thrown in... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THE ANGEL ANSWERED AND SAID ... - This was not on the outside of
the tomb, for Matthew does not say that the angel appeared to the
“women” there, but only to the keepers. Mark says, “entering
into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side,
clothed in a long white garment” Mar... [ Continue Reading ]
HE HAS RISEN, AS HE SAID - Jesus had often predicted that he would
rise, but the disciples did not understand it, and consequently did
not expect it, Matthew 16:21; Matthew 20:19.
THE PLACE WHERE THE LORD LAY - The place where a body was deposited in
a sepulchre was commonly a niche cut in the wall... [ Continue Reading ]
TELL HIS DISCIPLES - Mark adds particularly, “tell Peter.” This
was a kind message to Peter, who had so recently denied his Lord. It
would serve to cheer him in his despondency, and to assure him that
his sin had been forgiven; and it shows the tender love and
remembrance of Jesus, even for his unfa... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THEY DEPARTED QUICKLY - Joyful at the “news,” and wishing to
impart it to all, they fled to find the disciples, and to tell them
that the Lord was risen.
WITH FEAR AND GREAT JOY - Fear because of:
1.The wonderful scenes which they had witnessed the stone rolled away,
and the presence of an ang... [ Continue Reading ]
AND AS THEY WENT ... JESUS MET THEM - This was when they left the
sepulchre the “second” time. Jesus first appeared to Mary
Magdalene when alone, John 20:14. “Afterward” he appeared to the
other women, as related by Matthew. See the accounts of the
resurrection harmonized at the end of this chapter.... [ Continue Reading ]
BE NOT AFRAID - The ancients, when in the presence of a heavenly being
- an angel, or one who was supposed to be possessed of divine power
were commonly struck with great “fear,” as well as a great sense
of their unworthiness. See Luke 5:8; Judges 6:22; Judges 13:21. These
women were in like manner... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN THEY WERE GOING - Or when they had gone from the tomb.
SOME OF THE WATCH - Some of the guard that had been set around the
tomb to keep it safe. Probably the leaders or officers came to give a
true account of what had happened.
SHOWED UNTO THE CHIEF PRIESTS - To Annas and Caiaphas.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND WHEN THEY WERE ASSEMBLED ... - They deemed the matter of so much
importance as to justify the calling together of the great council of
the nation. Notwithstanding all their caution, it was plain that the
body of Jesus was gone. It was further plain that the disciples would
affirm that he was res... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GOVERNOR’S EARS - To Pilate. If it is reported to him that Jesus
was stolen while you slept.
WE WILL PERSUADE HIM - We will convince or satisfy him, so that he
shall not punish you. This they might promise with safety; for,
* They knew from the character of Pilate that he could be easily
brib... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS SAYING IS COMMONLY REPORTED - This account of the disappearance
of the body of Jesus from the sepulchre is commonly given.
UNTIL THIS DAY - The time when Matthew wrote this gospel that is,
about 30 years after the resurrection.
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus, of which an account is given... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN THE ELEVEN DISCIPLES - Judas was dead, leaving but eleven of the
original number of the apostles.
“appointment” is recorded in Matthew 26:32. On what particular
mountain this was is not known. It is probable that Jesus, when he
made the ap... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY WORSHIPPED HIM - Paid him honour as the Messiah.
BUT SOME DOUBTED - As, for example, Thomas, John 20:25. The disciples
had not expected his resurrection; they were therefore slow to
believe. The mention of their doubting shows that they were honest men
that they were not easily imposed on that... [ Continue Reading ]
God,” as “Creator,” had an original right to all things, to
control them and dispose of them. See John 1:3; Colossians 1:16;
Hebrews 1:8. But the universe is put under him more particularly as
Mediator, that he might redeem his people;... [ Continue Reading ]
GO YE THEREFORE - “Because” all power is mine, go! I can defend
you. The world is placed under my control. It is redeemed. It is given
me in promise by my Father, as the purchase of my death. Though you
are weak, yet I am strong! Though you will encounter many troubles and
dangers, yet I can defend... [ Continue Reading ]
LO, I AM WITH YOU - That is, by my Spirit, my providence, my attending
counsel and guidance. I will strengthen, assist, and direct you. This
also proves that Christ is divine. If he is a mere man, or a creature,
though of the highest order, how could he promise to be “with” his
disciples “always,” o... [ Continue Reading ]