Notwithstanding - (And) the land (that is that spoken of, the land of Judah) shall be desolate not through any arbitrary law or the might of her enemies, but through the sins of the people, because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings Truly “the fruit of their doings,” what they did to please themselves, of their own minds against God. As they sow, so shall they reap. This sounds almost as a riddle and contradiction beforehand; “the walls built up,” “the people gathered in,” and “the land desolate.” Yet it was all fulfilled in the letter as well as in spirit. Jerusalem was restored; the people was gathered, first from the captivity, then to Christ; and yet the land was again desolate through the fruit of their doings who rejected Christ, and is so until this day.

The prophet now closes with one earnest prayer Micah 7:14; to which he receives a brief answer, that God would shew forth His power anew, as when He first made them His people Micah 7:15. On this, he describes vividly the awed submission of the world to their God Micah 7:16, and closes with a thanksgiving of marveling amazement at the greatness and completeness of the forgiving mercy of God Micah 7:18, ascribing all to His free goodness Micah 7:5 :20.

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