But with an overrunning flood He will make an utter end of the place thereof - that is, of Nineveh, although not as yet named, except in the title of the prophecy, yet present to the prophet’s mind and his hearers, and that the more solemnly, as being the object of the wrath of God, so that, although unnamed, it would be known so to be. Image and reality, the first destruction and the last which it pictures, meet in the same words. Nineveh itself was overthrown through the swelling of the rivers which flowed around it and seemed to be its defense (see the note at Nahum 2:6). Then also, the flood is the tide of the armies, gathered from all quarters, Babylonians , Medes, Persians, Arabians, Bactrians, which like a flood should sweep over Nineveh and leave nothing standing. It is also the flood of the wrath of God, in whose Hands they were and who, by them, should “make a full end of it,” literally, “make the place thereof a thing consumed,” a thing which has ceased to be. For a while, some ruins existed, whose name and history ceased to be known; soon after, the ruins themselves were effaced and buried . Such was the close of a city, almost coeval with the flood, which had now stood almost as many years as have passed since Christ came, but which now defied God. Marvelous image of the evil world itself, which shall flee away from the face of Him who sat on the throne, “and there was found no place for it” Revelation 20:11.

And darkness shall pursue His enemies - Better, “He shall pursue His enemies into darkness” Darkness is, in the Old Testament, the condition, or state in which a person is, or lives; it is not an agent, which pursues. Isaiah speaks of the “inhabitants of darkness” Isaiah 42:7, “entering unto darkness” Isaiah 47:5; “those who are in darkness” Isaiah 49:9. “The grave is all darkness” Psalms 88:12; Job 17:13, “darkness, and the shadow of death” Job 10:21. Hence, even Jews rendered , “He shall deliver them to hell.” Into this darkness it is said, God shall pursue them, as other prophets speak of being “driven forth into darkness” . The darkness, the motionless drear abode, to which they are driven, anticipates the being cast into “the outer darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Rup.: “The vengeance of God on” these who remain “His enemies” to the last, “ends not with the death of the body; but evil spirits, who are darkness and not light, pursue their souls, and seize them.” They would not hear Christ calling to them, “Walk, while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you” John 12:35. “They are of those that rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof” Job 24:13. “They loved darkness rather than light” John 3:19. And so they were driven into the darkness which they chose and loved.

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