But I would ye should understand - Paul here turns to himself, and goes into a somewhat extended account of his own feelings in his trials, and of the effects of his imprisonment at Rome he wished them to understand what his circumstances were, and what had been the effect of his imprisonment, probably, for such reasons as these:

(1) They were tenderly attached to him, and would feel an interest in all that pertained to him.

(2) It was possible that they might hear unfounded rumors about the manner of his treatment, and he wished that they should understand the exact truth.

(3) He had real intelligence to communicate to them that would be joyful to them, about the effect of his imprisonment, and his treatment there; and he wished them to rejoice with him.

That the things which happened unto me - The accusations against him, and his imprisonment at Rome. He had been falsely accused, and had been constrained to appeal to Caesar, and had been taken to Rome as a prisoner; Acts 25–28. This arrest and imprisonment would seem to have been against his success as a preacher; but he now says that the contrary had been the fact.

Have fallen out - Have resulted in. Literally, “have come.” Tyndale. “My business is happened.”

The furtherance - The increase, the promotion of the gospel. Instead of being a hindrance, they have been rather an advantage.

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