For unto you - Unto you as Christians. This favor is granted unto you in your present circumstances.

It is given - God concedes to you this privilege or advantage.

In the behalf of Christ - In the cause of Christ, or with a view to honor Christ. Or, these things are brought on you in consequence of your being Christians.

Not only to believe on him - It is represented here as a privilege to be permitted to believe on Christ. It is so:

(1) It is an honor to a man to believe one who ought to be believed, to trust one who ought to be trusted, to love one who ought to be loved.

(2) It is a privilege to believe on Christ, because it is by such faith that out sins are forgiven; that we become reconciled to God, and have the hope of heaven.

(3) It is a privilege, because it saves the mind from the tortures and the deadly influence of unbelief - the agitation, and restlessness, and darkness, and gloom of a skeptic.

(4) It is a privilege, because we have then a friend to whom we may go in trial, and on whom we may roll all our burdens. If there is anything for which a Christian ought to give unfeigned thanks, it is that he has been permitted to believe on the Redeemer. Let a sincere Christian compare his peace, and joy, and hope of heaven, and support in trials, with the restlessness, uneasiness, and dread of death, in the mind of an unbeliever; and he will see abundant occasion for gratitude.

But also to suffer for his sake - Here it is represented as a privilege to suffer in the cause of the Redeemer - a declaration which may sound strange to the world. Yet this sentiment frequently occurs in the New Testament. Thus, it is said of the apostles Acts 5:41, that “they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name;” Colossians 1:24. “Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you;” 1 Peter 4:13. “But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings;” compare James 1:2; Mark 10:30; see the notes at Acts 5:41. It is a privilege thus to suffer in the cause of Christ:

(1)Because we then resemble the Lord Jesus, and are united with him in trials;

(2)Because we have evidence that we are his, if trials come upon us in his cause;

(3)Because we are engaged in a good cause, and the privilege of maintaining such a cause is worth much of suffering; and,

(4)Because it will be connected with a brighter crown and more exalted honor in heaven.

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