This chapter Philippians 2 is made up principally of exhortations to
the performance of various Christian duties, and the exhibition of
Christian virtues. The apostle first exhorts the Philippians, in the
most tender manner, so to live as to give him joy, by evincing among
themselves unity and conco... [ Continue Reading ]
said in the remainder of the verse, is designed as a motive for what
he exhorts them to in Philippians 2:2 - that they would be of the same
mind, and would thus fulfill his joy. To urge them to this, he appeals
to the tender consid... [ Continue Reading ]
FULFIL YE MY JOY - Fill up my joy so that nothing shall be wanting to
complete it. This, he says, would be done by their union, zeal, and
humility; compare John 3:29.
THAT YE BE LIKE-MINDED - Greek That ye think the same thing; see the
notes at 2 Corinthians 13:11. Perfect unity of sentiment, opini... [ Continue Reading ]
LET NOTHING BE DONE THROUGH STRIFE - With a spirit of contention. This
command forbids us to do anything, or attempt anything as the mere
result of strife. This is not the principle from which we are to act,
or by which we are to be governed. We are to form no plan, and aim at
no object which is to... [ Continue Reading ]
LOOK NOT EVERY MAN ON HIS OWN THINGS - That is, be not selfish. Do not
let your care and attention be wholly absorbed by your own concerns,
or by the concerns of your own family. Evince a tender interest for
the happiness of the whole, and let the welfare of others lie near
your hearts. This, of cou... [ Continue Reading ]
of this reference to the example of the Saviour is particularly to
enforce the duty of humility. This was the highest example which could
be furnished, and it would illustrate and confirm all the apostle had
said of this virtue. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO, BEING IN THE FORM OF GOD - There is scarcely any passage in the
New Testament which has given rise to more discussion than this. The
importance of the passage on the question of the divinity of the
Saviour will be perceived at once, and no small part of the point of
the appeal by the apostle de... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT MADE HIMSELF OF NO REPUTATION - This translation by no means
conveys the sense of the original According to this it would seem that
he consented to be without distinction or honor among people; or that
he was willing to be despised or disregarded. The Greek is
ἑαυτον ἐκένωσεν heauton ekenōse... [ Continue Reading ]
AND BEING FOUND - That is, being such, or existing as a man, he
humbled himself.
IN FASHION AS A MAN - The word rendered “fashion” - σχῆμα
schēma - means figure, mien, deportment. Here it is the same as
state, or condition. The sense is, that when he was reduced to this
condition he humbled himsel... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE - As a reward of this humiliation and these sufferings. The
idea is, that there was an appropriate reward for it, and that that
was bestowed upon him by his exaltation as Mediator to the right hand
of God; compare the notes at Hebrews 2:9.
GOD ALSO HATH HIGHLY EXALTED HIM - As Mediator. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
or bend, in token of honor, or worship; that is, all people should
adore him. This cannot mean merely that at the mention of the name of
Jesses we should bow; nor is there any evidence that God requires
this. Why should we bow at... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THAT EVERY TONGUE SHOULD CONFESS - Everyone should acknowledge
him. On the duty and importance of confessing Christ, see the notes at
Romans 10:9.
THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD - The word “Lord,” here, is used in its
primitive and proper sense, as denoting owner, ruler, sovereign;
compare the notes... [ Continue Reading ]
from the beginning manifested a remarkable readiness to show respect
to the apostle, and to listen to his teaching. This readiness he more
than once refers to and commends. He still appeals to them, and urges
them to follow his co... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IT IS GOD THAT WORKETH IN YOU - This is given as a reason for
making an effort to be saved, or for working out our salvation. It is
often thought to be the very reverse, and people often feel that if
God works “in us to will and to do,” there can be no need of our
making an effort, and that ther... [ Continue Reading ]
peaceful, inoffensive manner. Let there be no brawls, strifes, or
contentions. The object of the apostle here is, probably, to
illustrate the sentiment which he had expressed in Philippians 2:3,
where he had inculcated the general duties... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT YE MAY BE BLAMELESS - That you may give no occasion for others to
accuse you of having done wrong.
AND HARMLESS - Margin, “sincere.” The Greek word
(ἀκέραιος akeraios) means properly that which is unmixed;
and then pure, sincere. The idea here is, that they should be artless,
simple, without... [ Continue Reading ]
HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE - That is, you are under obligation to
hold forth the word of life. It is a duty incumbent on you as
Christians to do it. The “word of life” means the gospel, called
the “word of life” because it is the message that promises life;
or perhaps this is a Hebraism, denotin... [ Continue Reading ]
YEA, AND IF I BE OFFERED - Margin, “poured forth.” The mention of
his labors in their behalf, in the previous verse, seems to have
suggested to him the sufferings which he was likely yet to endure on
their account. He had labored for their salvation. He had exposed
himself to peril that they and oth... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE SAME CAUSE - Because we are united, and what affects one of us
should affect both.
DO YE JOY, AND REJOICE WITH ME - That is, “do not grieve at my
death. Be not overwhelmed with sorrow, but let your hearts be filled
with congratulation. It will be a privilege and a pleasure thus to
die.” This... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT I TRUST IN THE LORD JESUS - His hope was that the Lord Jesus would
so order affairs as to permit this - an expression that no man could
use who did not regard the Lord Jesus as on the throne, and as more
that human.
TO SEND TIMOTHEUS SHORTLY UNTO YOU - There was a special reason why
Paul desired... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR I HAVE NO MAN LIKE-MINDED - Margin, “so dear unto me.” The
Greek is, ἰσόψυχον isopsuchon - similar in mind, or
like-minded. The meaning is, that there was no one with him who would
feel so deep an interest in their welfare.
WHO WILL NATURALLY CARE - The word rendered “naturally” -
γνησίως gne... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR ALL SEEK THEIR OWN - That is, all who are with me. Who Paul had
with him at this time is not fully known, but he doubtless means that
this remark should apply to the mass of Christians and Christian
ministers then in Rome. Perhaps he had proposed to some of them to go
and visit the church at Phi... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT YE KNOW THE PROOF OF HIM - You have had evidence among yourselves
how faithfully Timothy devoted himself to the promotion of the gospel,
and how constantly he served with me. This proves that Timothy was
with Paul when he was at Philippi.
AS A SON WITH THE FATHER - Manifesting the same spirit t... [ Continue Reading ]
SO SOON AS I SHALL SEE HOW IT WILL GO WITH ME - Paul was a prisoner at
Rome, and there was not a little uncertainty whether he would be
condemned or acquitted. He was, it is commonly supposed, in fact
released on the first trial; 2 Timothy 4:16. He now felt that he would
soon be able to send Timothy... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT I TRUST IN THE LORD ... - note, Philippians 1:25.... [ Continue Reading ]
is nowhere else mentioned but in this Epistle; see Philippians 4:18.
All that is known of him, therefore, is what is mentioned here. He was
from Philippi, and was a member of the church there. He had been
employed by the Philippi... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HE LONGED AFTER YOU ALL - He was desirous to see you all, and to
relieve your anxiety in regard to his safety.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR INDEED HE WAS SICK NIGH UNTO DEATH - Dr. Paley has remarked (Hor.
Paul. on Phil no. ii.) that the account of the sickness and recovery
of Epaphroditus is such as to lead us to suppose that he was not
restored by miracle; and he infers that the power of healing the sick
was conferred on the apost... [ Continue Reading ]
speed; I was the more ready to send him.
THAT I MAY BE THE LESS SORROWFUL - That is, on account of my
solicitude for you; that I may know that your minds are at ease, and
that you rejoice in his being among you.... [ Continue Reading ]
RECEIVE HIM THEREFORE IN THE LORD - As the servant of the Lord, or as
now restored to you by the Lord, and therefore to be regarded as a
fresh gift from God. Our friends restored to us after a long absence,
we should receive as the gift of God, and as a proof of his mercy.
AND HOLD SUCH IN REPUTATI... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE FOR THE WORK OF CHRIST - That is, either by exposing himself
in his journey to see the apostle in Rome, or by his labors there.
NOT REGARDING HIS LIFE - There is a difference in the mss. here, so
great that it is impossible now to determine which is the true
reading, though the sense is not... [ Continue Reading ]