This chapter Philippians 2 is made up principally of exhortations to the performance of various Christian duties, and the exhibition of Christian virtues. The apostle first exhorts the Philippians, in the most tender manner, so to live as to give him joy, by evincing among themselves unity and concord. He entreats them to do nothing by strife and a desire of distinction, but to evince that humility which is manifested when we regard others as more worthy than we are; Philippians 2:1. This exhortation he enforces in a most impressive manner by a reference to the example of Christ - an example of condescension and humiliation fitted to repress in us all the aspirings of ambition, and to make us ready to submit to the most humble offices to benefit others; Philippians 2:5. He then exhorts them to work out their salvation with diligence, assuring them, for their encouragement, that God worked in them to will and to do of his good pleasure; Philippians 2:12.

To this he adds an exhortation that they would avoid everything like complaining and disputing - that they would be blameless and harmless in their walk, showing the excellency of the religion which they loved to all around them, and exerting such an influence on others that Paul might feel that he had not labored in vain; Philippians 2:14. To excite them to this, he assures them that he was ready himself to be sacrificed for their welfare, and should rejoice if by his laying down his life their happiness would be promoted. He asked the same thing in return from them; Philippians 2:17. He then tells them, in expressing his interest in them, that he hoped soon to be able to send Timothy to them again - a man who felt a deep interest in their welfare, and whose going to them would be one of the highest proofs of the apostle’s love; Philippians 2:19. The same love for them, he says, he had now shown by sending to them Epaphroditus - a man to whom he was tenderly attached, and who had an earnest desire again to return to the church from which he had been sent. Paul sent him, therefore, again to Philippi, that he might be with them and comfort them, and he asked for him a kind reception and affectionate treatment, in view of the sufferings which he had experienced in the cause of the Redeemer; Philippians 2:25.

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