Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people - Anger is often compared with a fire; as we say now, a man is “inflamed” with passion. See Esther 1:12; Lamentations 2:3; Psalms 79:5; Psalms 89:46; Jeremiah 4:4; Judges 2:14. Of course, this must be taken in a manner appropriate to God. It means that his treatment of his offending people was as if he were burning with wrath against them.

Insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance - He was offended with his people; he treated them “as if” they were an abomination to him. He punished them; he cast them off; he left them to the just results of their own conduct. Were ever any writers more candid and honest than the sacred penmen? There is no effort to vindicate the nation; there is no apology offered for them; there is no concealment of their guilt; there is no attempt to soften the statement in regard to the feelings of God toward them. Their conduct was abominable; they deserved the divine displeasure; they were ungrateful, evil, and rebellious; and the sacred writers do not hesitate to admit the truth of this to the fullest extent.

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