Because they rebelled against the words of God - The commands of God. They did not keep his commandments. Their captivity was produced by national disobedience. See the notes at Daniel 9:5.

And contemned the counsel - They despised the instructions of God. The law of God, at the same time that it “is” law, is of the nature of “counsel,” since it is indicative of what God regards as wise and good, and since it is the best “advice” that God can give to people. A just and righteous law, while it involves “obligation” to obey it, is also the best counsel that can be given, and implies that the highest “wisdom” would be shown in being obedient to it. God will “command” nothing which he would not “advise,” and which it would not be “wisdom” to obey.

Of the Most High - Of God, who, being supreme, has a right to rule over all, and to require that his laws shall be obeyed.

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