For he satisfieth the longing soul - This does not mean - what is indeed true in itself - that God has made provision for the “soul” of man, and satisfies it when it longs or pants for its needed supply, but the reference is to the creatures of God - the living things that he has made; and the idea is, that he has made provision for their needs. He gives them food and drink, so that their needs are met. The “particular” reference here, however, in the word rendered “longing” is to “thirst,” as contradistinguished from the other member of the verse, where the reference is to “hunger.” So the word is used in Isaiah 29:8.

And filleth the hungry soul with goodness - Supplies the needs of the hungry with “good;” that is, with that which is “good” for it; which meets its needs, and imparts strength and happiness.

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