Verse Psalms 109:24. _MY KNEES ARE WEAK THROUGH FASTING_] That
_hunger_ is as soon felt in _weakening the knees_, as in producing an
_uneasy_ _sensation in the stomach_, is known by all who have ever...
PSALM 109-113
Psalms 109 Christ in Humiliation
_ 1. Despised and rejected (Psalms 109:1)_
2. The rejectors and their fate (Psalms 109:6)
3. The Christ in His sorrow ...
CIX. A PSALM OF CURSING. This Ps. is further than anything else in the
whole Psalter from the spirit of Christianity. It falls into three
parts: Psalms 109:1. The Psalmist's distress in persecution; P...
David, Rehearsing how His Enemies have Cursed him, Refers his Cause to
Stanza I., Psalms 109:1-5, The Psalmist Entreats Jehovah to speak up
for him ag...
My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.
MY KNEES ARE WEAK THROUGH FASTING - not fasting from want of
appetite, but the fasting which is practiced by men overwhelmed with...
The strongest of the imprecatory Pss. (see Intro.). Probably it is
just to regard the Psalmist as speaking in the name of the whole
nation, vexed and harried by foreign enemies, e.g. Antiochus
Psalms 107:150
Jesus said, "You will be happy when people are not kind to you and do
bad things to you. You will be happy because you love me, ev...
FAILETH OF FATNESS. — Literally, _has failed me from fat, i.e.,_ has
dwindled away....
בִּ֭רְכַּי כָּשְׁל֣וּ מִ צֹּ֑ום וּ֝
Psalms 109:1
THIS is the last and the most terrible of the imprecatory psalms. Its
central portion (Psalms 109:6) consists of a series of wishes,
addressed to God, for the heaping of all miseries on t...
Psalms 109:17
This psalm emphasizes the difference, indicated by our Lord, between
His teaching and that addressed to “them of old time,” especially
on the point of forgive...
This is a psalm full of interest. The singer is in a place of terrible
suffering due to the implacable hostility of his foes. The passage
containing the imprecations (vv. Psa 109:6-19) contains the si...
My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh (n) faileth of
(n) For hunger that came from sorrow, he was lean and his natural
moisture failed him....
Here we have the blessed Jesus, in his human nature addressing the
Father, as in the days of his flesh. How very interesting to his
people are those cries! How impossible but to take part in them! and...
24_My knees are become feeble. _Though David had the necessaries of
life, yet he emaciated himself by voluntary abstinence, to which, as
well as to prayer, he gave himself, and therefore we may regard...
Psalms 109. It is certain that this psalm applies to Judas; but we
shall see, in reading it, that we cannot apply all of it exclusively
to him. And this is a help to us, to understand the way in which...
MY KNEES ARE WEAK THROUGH FASTING,..... Either voluntary or forced,
through want of food or refreshment; this was verified in Christ, when
he kneeled and prayed, and his sweat was as it were great dro...
My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.
Ver. 24. _My knees are weak through fasting_] Either for lack of meat
or stomach to it; _genua labant,_ my knees buckle under me, t...
_My knees are weak through fasting_ Either through forced fasting for
want of food, when he was persecuted, or for want of appetite when he
was sick, or through voluntary fasting, which the frequency...
To the chief musician, for use in the liturgical part of worship, a
psalm of David, in which he indeed may have reference to conditions of
his own...
My knees are weak through fasting, His deep grief causing Him to loath
all food; AND MY FLESH FAILETH OF FATNESS, emaciation following deep
and sustained sorrow....
21-31 The psalmist takes God's comforts to himself, but in a very
humble manner. He was troubled in mind. His body was wasted, and
almost worn away. But it is better to have leanness in the body, whi...
THROUGH FASTING; either with voluntary fasts, to which the frequency
and long continuance of my calamities obliged me; or with forced
fasts, sometimes through want of necessary provisions, but most
Psalms 109:24 knees H1290 weak H3782 (H8804) fasting H6685 flesh H1320
feeble H3584 (H8804) fatness H8081...
CONTENTS: Complaint of the malice of enemies and appeal to the
righteous God for judgment.
CHARACTERS: God, David, Satan.
CONCLUSION: When enemies are spiteful and malicious, it is the
unspeakable c...
Psalms 109:6. _Set thou a wicked man over him._ This cannot apply to
Ahithophel; he was already his own executioner. _Let Satan,_ that is,
an adversary, stand at his right hand, to accuse him, as Doëg...
_Hold not Thy peace, O God of my praise._
I. The misdeeds of the wicked (Psalms 109:1).
II. The imprecation of wrath (verses 6-20).
III. The cry for mercy (Psalms 109:21). “Th...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 109:1. This is an individual lament. A
faithful Israelite is being attacked in return for the good he has
done to his attackers (vv. Psalms
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 109:21 The psalmist asks for God’s protection
from the attacks. He also asks that the ACCUSERS be disgraced (v.
Psalms 109:29), that is,
“This,” says Perowne, “is the last of the Psalms of imprecation,
and completes the terrible climax. In the awfulness of its anathemas,
the Psalm surpasses everything of the kind in the O...
THE title of this psalm—"To the chief musician, a psalm of
David"—is thought to be not inappropriate. We may have here David's
own appeal to God against his persecutors, and especially agai...
Psa 109:1-31 makes me glad that I'm not an enemy of David. For this is
one of those psalms where he really takes off again against his
enemies, and I mean he goes after them with tongs.
Hold not thy...
2 Corinthians 11:27; Hebrews 12:12; Job 19:20; Matthew 4:2; Psalm