But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea - Margin, as in Hebrew, shaked off. The word is applicable to a tree shaking off its foliage. Isaiah 33:9. The same word is used in Exodus 14:27 : “And the Lord overthrew (Margin, shook off) the Egyptians in the midst of the sea,” He shook them off as if he would no longer protect them. He left them to perish.

For his mercy ... - Their destruction was done in mercy to his people and to the world, for it was the means of deliverance to Israel. The death of a wicked man is a benefit to the world, and the act of removing him may be really an act of the highest benevolence to mankind. No wrong is done to such people, for they deserve to die; and the only service which can be rendered to the world through them is by their removal from the earth.

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