That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving - literally, “that I may cause to be heard;” that is, that I may make known to others. The idea is, that he would make known to others what he had learned from God; or that He would make known to them the delights of His service, and seek to win them to His worship. This he would do with a thankful remembrance of the favors which he had himself enjoyed, or as an expression of his gratitude for the mercies which had been conferred on him. As expressive of his gratitude to God, he would endeavor to win others also to His service.

And tell of all thy wondrous works - The wonderful things which thou hast done - thy works of creation, providence, and salvation. His own mind was deeply impressed with the greatness of God’s works, and he would desire to make the divine actions known as far as possible in the world. Compare Psalms 22:22; Psalms 66:16; Psalms 145:5. This is always one of the evidences of true piety. They who have been impressed properly with a sense of the greatness and goodness of God; they who have experienced His pardoning mercy and forgiving grace, desire always to make these things known to others, and to invite them also to partake of the mercies connected with the divine favor. Compare John 1:45,

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