For my life is spent with grief - The word here rendered “spent” does not mean merely “passed,” as it is commonly now used, as when we say we “spent” our time at such a place, or in such a manner, but in the more proper meaning of the word, as denoting “consumed, wasted away,” or “destroyed.” See the word כלה kâlâh as used in Jeremiah 16:4; Lamentations 2:11; Psalms 84:2 (Hebrews 3); Psalms 143:7; Psalms 69:3 Hebrews 4; Job 11:20.

And my years with sighing - That is, my years are wasted or consumed with sighing. Instead of being devoted to active toil and to useful effort, they are exhausted or wasted away with a grief which wholly occupies and preys upon me.

My strength faileth because of mine iniquity - Because of the trouble that has come upon me for my sin. He regarded all this trouble - from whatever quarter it came, whether directly from the hand of God, or from man - as the fruit of “sin.” Whether he refers to any particular sin as the cause of this trouble, or to the sin of his nature as the source of all evil, it is impossible now to determine. Since, however, no particular sin is specified, it seems most probable that the reference is to the sin of his heart - to his corrupt nature. It is common, and it is not improper, when we are afflicted, to regard all our trials as fruits of sin; as coming upon us as the result of the fall, and as an evidence that we are depraved. It is certain that there is no suffering in heaven, and that there never would be any in a perfectly holy world. It is equally certain that all the woes of earth are the consequence of man’s apostasy; and it is proper, therefore, when we are afflicted, even though we cannot trace the affliction to any “particular” offence, to trace it all to the existence of evil, and to regard it as among the proofs of the divine displeasure against sin.

And my bones are consumed - That is, are decayed, worn out, or wasted away. Even the solid framework of my body gives way under excessive grief, and all my strength is gone. See Psalms 32:3; Psalms 102:3.

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