But I trust in thee, O Lord - In these times of trial - when Psalms 31:9 his eye was consumed with grief; when Psalms 31:10 his years were spent with sighing, his strength failed, and his bones were consumed; when Psalms 31:11 he was a reproach among his neighbors, and dreaded by his acquaintances; when Psalms 31:12 he was forgotten as a dead man; and when Psalms 31:13 he was surrounded with causes of alarm. Then he trusted in God. His confidence did not fail. He believed that God was his Father and Friend; that He was on the throne; that He could protect and defend him; and he left himself and his cause with Him. In such circumstances as these there is no other sure refuge but God; at such times the strength of faith is shown, and then is seen pre-eminently the power and value of religion.

I said, Thou art my God - Thou art all that is implied in the name “God;” and thou art mine. He felt assured that God would not forsake him, though men did; that he might confide in Him, though his earthly friends all turned away. There is always one (God) who will not leave or forsake us; and the friendship and favor of that One is of more value to us than that of all other beings in the universe combined.

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