Draw out also the spear - The word here rendered “draw out” means properly to pour out; to empty; and it is applied to the act of emptying sacks, Genesis 42:35; to emptying bottles, Jeremiah 48:12; to drawing a sword from a sheath, Exodus 15:9; Leviticus 26:33; Ezekiel 5:12. It is applied to a “spear” either as drawing it out of the place where it was kept, or as stretching it out for the purposes of attack. The former probably is the meaning, and the idea is, that David prayed God to “arm himself” - as a warrior does - in order to defend him. The spear was a common weapon in ancient warfare. It was sometimes so short that it could be brandished as a sword in the hand, or hurled at an enemy, 1 Samuel 18:11; 1Sa 19:10; 1 Samuel 20:33; but it was usually made as long as it could be to be handled conveniently. The spear was a weapon of “attack.” The parts of armor referred to in Psalms 35:2 were designed for defense. The idea of the psalmist is that of a warrior prepared alike for attack or defense.

And stop the way against them that persecute me - The words “the way” are not in the original. The word rendered “stop” - סגר sâgar - means properly to shut, to close, as a door or gate, Job 3:10; 1 Samuel 1:5; Genesis 19:6, Genesis 19:10. The idea here, according to the usage of the word, is, Shut or close up the way against those that persecute me. So Gesenius renders it. Grotius, Michaelis, DeWette, and others, however, regard the word as a noun, signifying the same as the Greek - σάγαρις sagaris - a two-edged sword, such as was used by the Scythians, Persians, and Amazons. Herod. vii. 64. See Rosenmuller in loc. It is not so rendered, however, in any of the ancient versions. The Septuagint render it: “And shut up against those that persecute me;” the Vulgate, “Pre-occupy against those that persecute me;” the Aramaic has: “Shut up against those that persecute me.” The correct idea probably is that which is given in the common version. The psalmist prays that God would go forth to meet his enemies; that he would arrest and check them in their march; that he would hedge up their way, and that he would thus prevent them from attacking him.

Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation - Say to “me,” I will save you. That is, Give me some assurance that thou wilt interpose, and that thou wilt guard me from my enemies. Man only wants this assurance to be calm in respect to any danger. When God says to us that he will be our salvation; that he will protect us; that he will deliver us from sin, from danger, from hell, the mind may and will be perfectly calm. To a believer he gives this assurance; to all he is willing to give it. The whole plan of salvation is arranged with a view to furnish such an assurance, and to give a pledge to the soul that God “will” save. Death loses its terrors then; the redeemed man moves on calmly - for in all the future - in all worlds - he has nothing now to fear.

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