Hear this, all ye people - That is, What I am about; to utter is worthy of universal attention; it pertains equally to all mankind. The psalmist; therefore calls on all the nations to attend to what he is about to say. Compare the notes at Isaiah 1:2.

Give ear - Incline your ear; attend. Compare the notes at Psalms 17:6. See also Isaiah 37:17; Isaiah 55:3; Daniel 9:18; Proverbs 2:2.

All ye inhabitants of the world - The truth to be declared does not pertain exclusively to any one nation, or any one class of people. All are interested in it. The term here rendered “world” - חלד cheled, - means properly “duration of life, lifetime;” then, “life, time, age;” and then it comes to denote the world, considered as made up of the living, or the passing generations.

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