This purports to be a psalm of David, and there is no sufficient
reason for doubting the correctness of its being thus attributed to
him. DeWette indeed thinks that the contents of the psalm do not well
agree with the circumstances of David’s life, and especially with
that period of his life referre... [ Continue Reading ]
BE MERCIFUL UNTO ME, O GOD - See the notes at Psalms 51:1.
FOR MAN WOULD SWALLOW ME UP - The word used here means properly to
breathe hard; to pant; to blow hard; and then, to pant after, to yawn
after with open mouth. The idea is, that people came upon him
everywhere with open mouth, as if they wo... [ Continue Reading ]
MINE ENEMIES - Margin, “mine observers.” The Hebrew word here used
means properly to twist, to twist totogether; then, to be firm, hard,
tough; then, “to press together,” as a rope that is twisted - and
hence, the idea of oppressing, or pressing hard on one, as an enemy.
See Psalms 27:11; Psalms 54:... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT TIME I AM AFRAID - literally, “the day I am afraid.” David
did not hesitate to admit that there were times when he was afraid. He
saw himself to be in danger, and he had apprehensions as to the
result. There is a natural fear of danger and of death; a fear
implanted in us:
(a) to make us cauti... [ Continue Reading ]
IN GOD I WILL PRAISE HIS WORD - The meaning of this seems to be, “In
reference to God - or, in my trust on God - I will especially have
respect to his “word” - his gracious promise; I will make that the
special object of my praise. In dwelling in my own mind on the divine
perfections; in finding the... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERY DAY THEY WREST MY WORDS - The word here rendered “wrest,”
means literally to give pain, to grieve, to afflict; and it is used
here in the sense of “wresting,” as if force were applied to
words; that is, they are “tortured,” twisted, perverted. We have
the same use of the word “torture” in our... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY GATHER THEMSELVES TOGETHER - That is, they do not attack me
singly, but they unite their forces; they combine against me.
THEY HIDE THEMSELVES - They lurk in ambush. They do not come upon me
openly, but they conceal themselves in places where they cannot be
seen, that they may spring upon me s... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL THEY ESCAPE BY INIQUITY? - This expression in the original is
very obscure. There is in the Hebrew no mark of interrogation; and a
literal rendering would be, “By iniquity (there is) escape to
them;” and, according to this, the sense would be, that they
contrived to escape from just punishment... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU TELLEST MY WANDERINGS - Thou dost “number” or “recount”
them; that is, in thy own mind. Thou dost keep an account of them;
thou dost notice me as I am driven from one place to another to find
safety. “My wanderings,” to Gath, 1 Samuel 21:10; to the cave of
Adullam, 1 Samuel 22:1; to Mizpeh, in... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN I CRY UNTO THEE - This expresses strong confidence in prayer. The
psalmist felt that he had only to cry unto God, to secure the
overthrow of his enemies. God had all power, and his power would be
put forth in answer to prayer.
THEN SHALL MINE ENEMIES TURN BACK - Then shall they cease to pursue... [ Continue Reading ]
IN GOD WILL I PRAISE HIS WORD - Luther renders this, “I will praise
the word of God.” The phrase “in God” means probably “in
respect to God;” or, “in what pertains to God.” That which he
would “particularly” praise or celebrate in respect to God - that
which called for the most decided expressions o... [ Continue Reading ]
IN GOD HAVE I PUT MY TRUST - The sentiment in this verse is the same
as in Psalms 56:6, except that the word “man” is used here instead
of “flesh.” The meaning, however, is the same. The idea is, that
he would not be afraid of what “any man” - any human being - could
do to him, if God was his friend... [ Continue Reading ]
THY VOWS ARE UPON ME, O GOD - The word “vow” means something
promised; some obligation under which we have voluntarily brought
ourselves. It differs from duty, or obligation in general, since that
is the result of the divine command, while this is an obligation
arising from the fact that we have “vo... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou hast kept “me” from death. He was surrounded by enemies. He
was pursued by them from place to place. He had been, however,
graciously delivered from these dangers, and had been kept alive. Now
he gratefully remembers this mercy, a... [ Continue Reading ]