Be merciful unto me, O God - The same beginning as the former psalm - a cry for mercy; an overwhelming sense of trouble and danger leading him to come at once to the throne of God for help. See the notes at Psalms 56:1.

For my soul trusteth in thee - See the notes at Psalms 56:3. He had nowhere else to go; there was no one on whom he could rely but God.

Yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge - Under the protection or covering of his wings - as young birds seek protection under the wings of the parent bird. See the notes at Psalms 17:8. Compare Psalms 36:7.

Until these calamities be overpast - Compare Job 14:13, note; Psalms 27:13, note; also at Isaiah 26:20, note. He believed that these calamities “would” pass away, or would cease; that a time would come when he would not thus be driven from place to place. At present he knew that he was in danger, and he desired the divine protection, for under “that” protection he would be safe.

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